has anyone seen a colosseum or arena type map on forge hub... i made one for my friend and now i want to put it on here but i dont want to if someone made a similar map... its an oval shaped arena with collums and tall walls... if someone has posted a similar map or has seen a similar map please leave a link to it so i can look at it and see if mine looks like yours/theirs thanks guys its a cool map and i want to put it on... its a common idea im sure... so i just wanted to check
There are a lot of arena maps. If you think it's good enough that somebody will play YOURS, though, then by all means, post it. There are plenty of ways to make arena-style maps unique. As long as you're using one of those, you should be fine. Thanks for being courteous enough to check to see if the idea's overdone, though. I like that attitude.
Check out my arena: [img width=800 height=156]http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb19/youdumbcat/Halo%20-%20SpykeBahl%20Arena/Haloramic-03.jpg[/img] This is a wide angle panoramic shot made in Photoshop (or Haloramic as its been called) showing my SpykeBahl arena. The picture is clickable for a link directly to the map description, with more pictures. I don't know if you wanted to build a different type of arena and for what gametypes, but if you wanted to use a slightly modified version of my arena, all I would ask is that you give me credit. --dc (P.S. He asked for a link, so I provided one. I hope this is not breaking the rules since it was specifically asked for in the thread...) *braces for impact*