Arena Map

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Mercury258, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. Mercury258

    Mercury258 Ancient
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    Created by Mercury258

    Supported Gametypes:
    Mortal Kombat

    NOTE: The gametype has 200% gravity, 50% speed, and the fusion coils ARE NOT instant spawn. There's hardly ever any lag, and jumping out of the arena is difficult unless everyone is already dead or going to die.

    Mortal Kombat is the preferable gametype, but you can make a custom one as well. Good ones are no vehicles with hammers, no vehicles with needlers, etc. The arena map can also be edited simply to fit any needs you would want. It's highly simple and easly customizable.

    Map Description
    My map is basically an open air platform with high walls. Four ghosts are placed in the middle. Once spawned, players enter the ghosts and attempt to boost and hijack each other down through holes in the sides into the fire pit, where a certain and explodey death awaits them. It is recommended that you use 4 people, but it will work with 2 and/or 3.


    An overhead view of the arena.

    The last thing you'll ever see...

    The ghosts are ready for bloodshed.

    Hijacking is allowed too.

    An unfortunate soul is trapped in the fire pit.

    Ghost on ghost splatter fest.

    Someone here is going to die.

    "Nooo! Let me back up!"

    A rare four ghost pile up.

    That victory deserves a ghost spin.


    Thanks to everyone who downloads and plays my map. All comments and criticism helps, so please post your's below.

    Download Arena

    Download Mortal Kombat

    #1 Mercury258, Aug 16, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2008
    Sage likes this.
  2. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    I would think that the fusion coils would make lag and this seems pretty easy to escape

    I would suggest to make man cannons and grav lifts pushing you into death teleporters and also make the walls higher
  3. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    I don't really unerstand how you get in the fire pit... do you have to push someone down there or force them out?
  4. Supernaut

    Supernaut Ancient
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    First off good first post, now the map. Good rule of thumb never use a fusion coil pit unless you are playing local or lan, just makes it lag like crazy. You can just jump out of this map, off a ghost if you so lazy. The map is ok it really a box with ghosts in it, also if you are going to make a map make one. Not one that can be customized, so for your next map/ post include a better description this one is ok but isn't to informative. Interlocking and geomerging are you friends so use them, don't know how go check out forging 101. Try coming up with multiplue map ideas then rolling them together taking all the good and making one good map. Hope this helped and keep on forging.
  5. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    Explain the gametype plz?
  6. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Hey, not bad, not bad at all. I have to say that the concept is not original but the map it was made on and the way the map was built is a 6/5 original... I had never thought of it. Great first post I see the interlocking is good, you had a first good post let me try to give you a bit of detail of what I think of the map.

    The idea is Shazaam of the roof! It’s good to know that you made something impossible seem possible. I only have two problems… One of them being, why four… Couldn’t you have expanded the map and kept the same form. And secondly how often do they fusion coils go off constantly or every 10 seconds, etc… Well the fence walls add for a good boost on Aesthetics… The angled walls add more Aesthetics… And the game play is pretty dang good… I have fun on maps like these.

    But I won’t lie, I can’t download it… Now I said can’t meaning that it’s not optional for me… Basically my Xbox has gotten a Hardware Malfunction more known as the red ring, I’ve called and the box is being shipped… I would also rate your map a 4/5 because of the maps originality the game play is not original. But I can’t do that either becaue I have been warned.
  7. DeadeyeForge

    DeadeyeForge Ancient
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    The game type makes you invisible to everything except for splatters and assassinations. It also makes you very slow and increases your gravity extremely to stop you from jumping out of the map or trying to run around assassinating people. It's a great fun map, it's almost impossible to get out of, One BIG thing, the fusion coils DON'T make the map lag. Supernaut, no offense maybe you should play the map before you rate or say it lags. It's a great mini - game, and the ONLY way to get outside the map is to get two ghosts somehow and stack them on top of eachother, boost off the wall, crouch jump, and make it out. And once you're done with that, you get booted :). Good map Evan, hopefully people will try it out.
    #7 DeadeyeForge, Aug 16, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2008
  8. KratosAurion777

    KratosAurion777 Ancient
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    It looks ok, but you have to have the gravity set really high to prevent people from escaping. Also, its just very simple, and I don't know why you would get into the vehicle when you could just assasinate people.
  9. Mercury258

    Mercury258 Ancient
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    Sorry for the lack of infromation, im fixing it now. It's harder to jump out because the gravity is set max, and the fusion coils actually don't lag because they aren't set to instant spawn
  10. version2

    version2 Ancient
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    huh monster truck on foundry

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