Arena map tweaks

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by schleb, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    hey guys its me schleb. If you dont know me i pretty much spend ALL of my time in the ARENA section of reach and to further i would say 80% of that is spent playing team dubs! (check my and youll see my pie graph to back it up!)
    but there are a few things wrong with some maps that i feel "damage" gameplay and i am looking to make some minor adjustments to help improve some areas. I am looking for suggestions from other people on what can/should be done so i can drop some maps on my file share for everyone!

    so please name the map and put some suggestions down on what you think could improve game play!

    my ideas -

    MAP: Cage
    CHANGES: yellow street area, by snipe. add windows instead of walls so people cant camp on the snipe and you cant see them. Add a wall where the snipe spawns so you cant fall off the map by the cliff. ADD a ramp between shotgun and snipe jump where the plasma nades spawn for another access point. Bump up the middle ramp walls so you can not jetpack over must jetpack around them!

    MAP: Power house
    CHANGES: move the health pack out of P1 (powerhouse 1st floor) powerhouse is too powerful of a spot to have a health pack in it! change rockets to have only 2 shots, not 4

    MAP: Asylum
    CHANGES: Add a roof to the center circles so people cant jet pack over and get frags into it on spawns! bumps and z-fighting everywhere...just clean it up!

    MAP: Pinnacle
    CHANGE: Move rockets out to banshee pad to make a more equal chance at them on spawn rush. Not fair for blue team to get both rocks and snipe on spawn!

    like i said these are suggestions and im looking for more! and i also must say once again these changes revolve around ARENA play only.
  2. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
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    My thoughts:

    Additions: I would love to see some cover put up over the building piece in the center of the map (the one that everyone go on top of in Infection if you've every played that online) In many Arena matches I've found that that area gave too much power over the lower part of the map.

    Comments: I think instead of adding windows, just taking away cover altogether would work nicely. Even if people are behind the windows, they can still be seen and not killed. Also, that might create some framerate issues. By taking away cover, the place is made into an unacceptable place to camp at. I think players would then have to walk a long way to the next vantage point by either back-tracking to the tower piece or going along the man cannon to the opposite side. This would solve a balance issue that I've had with The Cage for a long time. I find it hard to visualize what you were saying about the ramp between the shotgun and sniper. Sounds slightly irritating though I might be seeing it wrong.

    Comments: I agree with the rockets. Too many times has there been three people who had that as their tool of destruction. I've never actually seen the Power House as much of a vantage point as much as a sanctuary away from the fighting. For that reason I'd suggest keeping the health pack.

    Comments: Those changes would be nice, but I think that the MLG version (Sanctuary) addresses all of those issues and more. The biggest change in it for me was how the line of sight between the two sniper spawns was disconnected. Of course if you choose to use Sanctuary then you'd probably have to lose the armor abilities.

    Comments: You may forget that although the blue team gets rockets as well as a sniper, the red team gets a hugely advantageous area which is fought over across the course of the entire game. On top of that, the sniper is used to much better effect (in my opinion) in that tower piece as opposed to the snipers' nest. Apart from that though, I really like the map!
  3. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    i havent seen the MLG version on sanctuary, but im glad to hear they changed the LOS from snipe to snipe...that was another main issue i had because it makes those bridges death traps. but i thought it would change the map too much. and as far as pinnacle goes yes big tower is a huge advantage but by moving rocks to banshee pad blue team would still be closer but not directly on top of them. i have a pretty good spawn setup with my dubs partner for both spawns...but as far as red goes i am forced to use jetpack (which i wish they would take out) an push to the nades on the center disk. if blue takes the lift over i use my jetpack so he can hit the ground with the rocks, he has to DMR now. if i dont hear the lift i quickly spam the shotgun hole with 3 nades now (the 2 nades by the disk!)

    but im glad to see you replying and please people these where just SOME of the maps that i thought needed changes if you have suggestions for other maps post them!

    *side note* after explaining my spawn start that gave me a good idea to post a thread on "SPAWN STARTS" and have people comment on how they perfer to start a map i.e what they spawn rush, and there ideal first 2min set-up

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