AREA 14 this map is the second sequel to area 13 it is very similar to area 13 in many way such as the spawn roomand the overall layout of this map. instead of stairs there is an elevator for the first room but the suvivors have to wait a 180 second time span until the regenerator spawns then will you and the remaining survivors activate the elevator. that will shoot you up to the next level. your prabably wondering how are the infected going to get up there when the regen is gone they can not pick it up. it purposely put in a hiddin ledge on the bottom wall that they can jump on but only one at a time tho. the ledge is barely notice able it will be on your left when you walk into the elevator. youll figure out the rest infected have a maximum jump. in room 2 there is a hiddin flamethrower its in an obvious spot but i bet youll never find it lolol. the human spawn room {the spawn is the same thing in all area maps} [/URL] infected spawn they run down the back hallway and through a warpnode {dont be a fukhead and camp} [/URL] room 1 {hallway on the left is where the zombies come out of} {on the rite is human spawn} [/URL] elevator {the ledge is on the left of this pic you may not be able to see it but its there} the elevator is only activated by the regen [/URL] room 2 {the flamethrower is hidden but where} [/URL] final room {there is a hold out truck and weapons scattered arund and a hidden laser} [/URL] truck [/URL] overlook of area 14 [/URL] The story behind the area maps. a science expirement being held in a secret lab called area 13 the name of the expirement was expirement "G07" and it broke free and wreaked havoc on all of the scientist you and your teammates must escape alive and warn the people about what has went wrong. but they are deep under ground and must fight there way through theyre undead alleys that were killed and reborn as infected from "G07". the remaining scientist and workman maade it out alive of area "13" but they entered a new one named "area 14" will they make it out the road home is long sadly they might or might be contiued.
Im not sure, but I think I know where the Flamethrower is. In the pic where you say (But where is it) Or something like that, If you look up from your guy, then slightly to the right, It is one of the things that is hanging down from the celeing. Tell me if I'm Right or wrong. I don't get it. This map makes Foundry look so much bigger for some reason. I like this map, just too many camping spots for the humans. 4/5