I agree with this entire statement. The reason I said that Reach was less consistent than Halo 3 was probably because I haven't played Halo 3 in months, and hardly remember how bad spread was. Pegasi for POTY (Poster Of The Year) 2011.
Regardless of if you agree with what he's thinking or not (and I'm certainly not saying I do), all of you are just popping in here to disagree with him. He didn't ask for an argument or discussion, so that is all spam. You're not helping him, your not helping yourselves, so please, if you want to rant about something I'm sure you can find (or make) a thread for it. If you're not actually posting in the thread for the intended purpose of the thread you're being pointless and obtuse. So everyone, stfu if you don't have anything important to say, basically.
Although I agree, the reason I'd rather have a BR in BTB than a DMR is because I feel like it works great for all ranges, and isn't too overpowered at long ranges. Maybe a shorter ranged DMR or a non-burst BR (something like beta Halo 2) would be an even better option, but again, we don't have any of those options in Reach. I just don't feel like the DMR or the Magnum would be great in BTB, but I don't play too much BTB so maybe I shouldn't be worrying about that. Either way, I'm puzzled as to why you haven't received a trophy for your posts yet. Every one of them is agreeable and logical, and I have never found a single grammatical error in all the posts I've read of yours. That may be off-topic, but I just wanted to mention it.
I've played a few FPS's here and there, but if I were you, I'd just wait for the update. The TU is going to bring in all these new game-improving changes, and most notably, there is going to be reduced or eliminated bloom in some sort of capacity. Also; I'm going to go ahead and tell everyone who isn't participating in this discussion, who came here solely to troll or to tell 4shot he's wrong, to stop right now. And I do mean now.
I don't intend to be the party pooper, but this thread has run it's course. If this was still open to discussion, instead of a "just complain about the netcode of Reach and shoot down everyone's posts trying to tell me this is not luck" thread, it would be fine. I don't want to see another of these threads. Go complain on MLG please, since those people are "professionals" and will understand what you are talking about and probably agree with you seeing we are "casual" gamers :lock: