I just read the new Halo: Reach update on Bungie.net, and everything in it is old news. It seems that every recent update has been like this, to tell you the truth. Has anyone else noticed this?
It's about 2 weeks till the release. They can do WHATEVER THEY WANT. And the updates have been just fine, no need to spoil any of the good stuff.
they have already revealed everything at some point, and this highly educated group of people halowise definitely has soaked up all the info they have put out there, although some of the more casual people havent yet.
Are these pointless threads getting worse? Anyway, you try making an exciting action-packed update every week focusing on only ONE subject for like six months. Its pretty much impossible, and the fact that they are writing almost solely about it is absolutely stellar. Besides, i found this one really well writ up and brimming with cool stuff (like that epic vid, and the pics of the new B.Net) (inb4shitstorm)
Well, they could at least give us some gameplay videos or something to hold us over. Seriously, in today's update, all they talked about was Corvette, that Deliver Hope video and some trip to Asia, not to mention the Q&A which contains questions submitted by idiots who can't keep up with Reach news. Example: What do you get when you preorder the Legendary Edition? I mean, seriously? Ever heard of Google?
There hasn't been anything new in the updates, yes, but you can't blame them. What the heck else are they supposed to tell us? We've heard everything but the story from them, which is covered in leaked stuff. Nothing for them to tell us.
They don't want to go too far by giving away any real spoilers. If they start giving away big news, it would bring in a possibility that readers wouldn't like what they see and refuse to buy the game, thus ruining sales. So they can't give away huge details.
I'm a little disappointed with the 8 multiplayer map set... I know they have firefight maps as well, but during matchmaking it gets annoying even in halo 3s 24 map setlist playing the same maps over and over again. If they come out with dlc... It should be free. People are going attack me over this statement but it's bungies last halo this should be packed with more maps gametypes and other things than any other halo.
Actually, its 13 maps. Despite being made in forge, They are still maps that they spent a lot of time on, and I think that some of them may end up as favorites. Additionally, I thought the update was pretty sweet. Sorry they didn't blow the lid off their game for you.
That's like saying halo 3 comes with 124 maps because the 24 maps plus the forge possibilities. I'm sorry they didn't either. Everything in the update was already known so you must have been hiding under a rock for the past week to find that update amazing... Forge world update was amazing. It was a reverse crescendo from there. In fact most of that update, like the interview part, was just them telling us what they could not do... I'm sorry that you don't like to be blown away... I love hearing new exciting things about a game I'm about to drop 60 plus for.
? no, hes talking about the forge world maps that are in matchmaking, but they dont technically count in the map count: asylum, the cage, pinnacle, and paradiso. --- also, what do you want them to do, tell you how the campaign ends? i can do that right now for you if you want to be "blown away." theyve already revealed everything except campaign.
They're Bungie built. Just because they don't have a pretty skin on them doesn't mean they don't count. 13 maps.
I know he meant that, but honestly forgehub members can use the forge tool a lot better than bungie staff can... That's like calling all of their creations official maps. Also the 5 maps will have the same skybox, theme, colors, and so on... Just knowing that there were more than the maps already shown would have helped... Plus another game mode could have been revealed... I heard there was going to be seven (campaign, matchmaking, custom games, forge, firefight, theater, ???) ps I don't want campaign spoilers... I've been avoiding leaks for a while...
Really? I know we have some of the best here, but Bungie made the system. If they want to make an amazing map, by gum they'll do it.