Fenix, dont wory about the videos taking a while, we appreciate the effort you put in these so much, a little wait can't hurt us. This new map intrigues me. It amazes me how much quality map you put out. It usually takes a few weeks or a month to have a design to work off from.
What use to take me a month now only takes me about two days. The more and more you beat on your craft the better you become. Right now I feel like I'm making that jump forward and stuff is coming to me very naturally. Before I would browse designs and top-down layouts for days looking for inspiration. Now I'm generating my own original blueprints and themes with ease and quickly. Fundamentals of gameplay is what takes so long to learn and to have a natural feel for and It is really starting to become more natural to me now. Aesthetics and attention to detail is something I have always been great at. It's just now both mechanics and aesthetics are starting to merge very nicely.
Why has this thread become quiet!? Testing is in less than 24 hours. What is everyone testing and prepping for tmrw? I want to see some epic maps tmrw!
I am working on a quasi-inverse-symmetrical 6v6 map. Its got quite a unique design with a close quarters centre and a large circular vehicle track for two Warthogs Trying to get it ready for tonight.
I've Got an Urban Style Map that's Setting is a Moscow Market in the Near Future. Close Range and Long Range Map that would Play Epically on Extraction, Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, and King of the Hill. Can't wait to test it out! Click Here to Preview the Map!
i've got 2 maps. one i was gonna use last week, and a new one. the new one i am half happy with - its got a load of routes and height variation - maybe too much. i'm not making any drastic changes now though....i'm gonna let you people tell me what is good/bad i have stolen an idea from a custom map in vCoD. there is a top to the map. in the form on a 'helipad'. with 2 (4) routes up. this is quite enclosed. originally it was the top of the map, but in this you can get out. but the idea is you can use it to traverse the map under cover. but as the rest of the map is on the island, it doesnt have as much emphasis as i would like, i think! so i am using a short rocket respawn to make it a powerful position to hold. it could be a terrible idea though!! due to the helipad idea, i had hoped to have a theme of military outpost, but it hasnt quite worked out that way and will come across as more of a placed pieces arena map.
My first map is 'Anaconda' which I'm really excited about. Original layout, all new aesthetics, new stuff not yet done in forge. I'm debating between CTF and Extraction for tonight for first test. I'm also throwing together a second untitled map as we speak for Dominion. I don't recall anyone building a map yet for dominion and this will be on the biggest island with lots of vehicles. Basically this map is just for fun and to start testing for dominion.
Just finished cramming last night to get a "testable" version of my first Forge Island map, tentively named "Remains", It is a large arena style "shooting gallery" type map. The layout is a simple symmetrical square, that has a central "temple" that houses the rocket spawn, Yellow Alley along one side and a River down the opposite side. I think that CTF is more than likely the gametype that will play the best, I think. I'll prolly run a Team Regicide for my second run.
I completely remade The last Forge Island map I threw up. Should be better, Berb said so. lol. I'm gonna hop on at some point and make sure I have spawns up and no bad spawn zones. Tombo, that looks cool. I've seen just one, and it was awesome. Dominion's annoying to set up, that's part of why i havent done it yet. It's an awesome gametype, and I love playing it, I just loathe the idea of setting up all of those zones...
Please note: Audience and I are trying something different tonight. This isn't the permanent state of things but just something we want to test-run for possible, occasional future use. We're going to be more literal co-hosts, and share a slot. What that means: I'm going to run the lobby from 7-8:30, then hand off to him to run things from 8:30-10. This makes things easier on him, as he often gets burned out after an hour or two of Halo, and will allow me to spend a little time with my wife tonight - so, win/win. If it works alright we will do this from time to time in the future, whenever one or both of us has some reason to only be able to attend half the session. What this means for you guys: not much except that an extra slot is now free. I've promoted one of our reserves. If we end up short-handed because of it we'll either play 4v4 or bring in a random.
Yeah, I get to spend more time with my ladyfriend before these start too. I get what you mean, man. LOL, NOPE.
Sorry just got notice that I won't be able to make it tonight ( btw, someone should totally comment on zinc cause it kinda went down the dumpster with the fail pictures )
Recap for Tuesday April 9th. Post your feedback here. Also, feel free to let us know if you found the change in how we hosted to your liking/disliking. It was a sort of test to see if that's a thing we would do more. I'll have my feedback up a bit later.
Hey guys. Sorry my test was so broken- I was suprised when the defenders could grab the attackers flag. I was also too tired to even play near the end.I will get my **** together for next week, I swear!!