Sorry, had a brain fart and entered the wrong gamertag. We really need to get those back to displaying under everybody's avatar so I don't have to go digging.
Ok guys, I'm still don't think there is quite enough driving space so I'm actually turning the alley way in front of red into to a field and red base will be downsized more (building wise) and make more use of the natural terrain. Pictures coming later.
Battleship A'ight, how about battleship? It's quite a unique flood map. Please check it out on halo customs here. Name- Battleship Gamertag- ShockBolt21 Completed? of course Tested? Yup. Gametype- Battleship (custom) Optimal player count- 8+. Works best with around twelve. Battleship- "The UNSC Ghost Ship is deployed into the depths of a cave to neutralize a flood threat"
I got something real special in the works for you guys this Tuesday. I'm doing some stuff that probably hasn't been done yet in forge that makes for a new fun experience but a very competitive style map. It features ALL original aesthetics that has never been used before and it is so clean that even Mr. Clean himself would be jealous. I actually made two different maps just for making aesthetics and clean geometry ideas for this map. Also Pandemonium played great in the test yesterday and no complaints but I'm moving on to this project for right now. Pretty excited about this and it's 100% original layout. Can't wait for Tuesday, no reveal until then just because I got a lot of work left on it and I want to get first impressions from in-game. ----------------------------------------- On top of that, I'm upgrading my internet here in Kansas just to upload vids b/c the upload speed I have is so slow it takes an entire day just about to upload 1 gig. Download speed is on point though. I still have your guys' videos and will get them to you as soon as the internet is up to speed. Sorry for the delay.