Archive of Test Night Recaps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nutduster, Jan 16, 2013.


Can you (sometimes) play on Saturdays around 11 AM or 12 noon?

  1. Yes, that time could work for me.

  2. No, I am never available at that time.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Pizza rolls.

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  1. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    I just got stuck watching the boy and a friend coming over to play guitar and start writing songs for the new boy band i'm starting!
  2. GetRdy2Fall

    GetRdy2Fall Forerunner

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    This in like 7 min? I just got home , I'd love to join
  3. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I'd like to play with you all, but if I do tonight it won't be until a few hours from now. I was just on playing some Mass Effect 3 MP, so the idea of more xbox is rather revolting.
  4. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    Sorry guys, I got booted from xbl yet again. Hope I can rejoin soon.
  5. Tombo V1

    Tombo V1 Forerunner

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    was good games tonight.

    i'd have stayed for the 2v2 if youd have needed me, but i'm happy to sit out :)
  6. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That was cool to be a part of this. I didn't lnow you were doing 2v2 later & I need some 2v2 testing but I had to go. It was good to have a full party for once. I'll be joining you guys more often.
  7. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Recap for Saturday 2nd.

    Post your feedback for all of the awesome maps we played tonight here. I'll throw mine up within the next 24 hours.
  8. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
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    It was very awesome indeed. Taking turns playing one map at a time worked great, and we even packed in a bunch of 2v2 games somehow.
  9. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The design of this was hugely changed from the last test I got on here. The areas were a bit wider on the outside and that change to what was once the narrow hall surprised me. In all honesty, i felt it had gotten too large for 4v4. Also, there were some spawning issues where I and at least Nutduster as well got spawned in the enemy base. I ended up in the same spot each time, the sniper building behind your base, where I was able to just chill and provoke your death for a while. If I was any good at being a bastard I would have not died/left so soon. the map is pretty sweet, but it was just so huge for the player count we had.

    Again, another great map by you, Nutty. This one felt like a crazy game of defense the whole way through, and we only won just barely. The game was fantastic and very tense. One thing I might suggest is a way for us non-jetpackers to get to the top of the bases from the front. I don't feel like there is any way currently from the bottom level.


    The was my large scale map, and it ended up being far larger than I expected. I'm going to try and fix the flag spawns, and maybe scale some things down. As it is, this feels like a 5v5 more than 4v4, so that may be alright in the new enlarged TCOJ lobbies. Sorry that you all had to deal with the awful flag game, I'll run something different next time.

    ItzxAudienceofDax (Now called Convergence)

    This is a co-forge between Dax and myself. We have this morning gone back through and fixed framerate lag and added a few new quirks. Any feedback is excellent here, we are on a slight time limit with the Dust Up contest.

    This is a new design of mine. I'd like to try and reduce those sightlines, though I do enjoy the long ones still. I'll seek a way to balance it out. Also, I should mention the lack of weapons was not intended, I forgot that ordinance wouldn't show up in use of the DU game.

    Beaver Creek
    This was Beaver Creek. Not much else to say. You seem to have recreated it faithfully. Dominion wasn't great here, but nothing else was bothersome at all.


    I think this was the ravine 2v2 you had, unrivaled? Anyway, that's what I'm addressing. it was really quite a nice design, my favorite competitive original from you so far, though it was incredibly small. I would love to see this enlarged just a bit, I feel like that may help. The verticality was rather impressive and though at first I thought there was too much cover on top, I found that grenades nullified that nicely. Nice work on this one.

    This was the Impact map, you showed us, right Unrivaled? I think so. These names are unfamiliar to me. It was fine, but nothing really creative stuck out to me. It was a basic arena map, which work well, but that was all it was. Nothing struck me as particularly bad here.

    This works surprisingly well for 2v2. I had fun, and the binary really is interesting. I missed once and was pretty pissed. Huge risk/reward. The verticality and segmentation is great here, and the map plays rather tactically I found. I can't think of much else to say besides there didnt seem t be much of a draw to the very top.

    The map works well and plays nicely, but I must admit that it's not very creative. It's a rectangle with 2 levels and a center. Meanwhile, your 4v4 maps thrive in creative structure, even in Radiant's rather simple design. I like this, but i wish you would go back and rework some of it. by the end of playing this map, I felt like it was very often just run to the side or center and kill/be killed before going back. A very repetitive game.

    It was great getting to play what I did with you all.
  10. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Good GOD we played a lot of maps last night. Let's see if I can say something coherent about them:

    Pristine Ravine - This is a solid map but I don't think it's ever reached transcendence. Maybe the layout is just a bit plain - it feels very much segmented into three equal pieces (the two bases and the middle), and plays kind of like a grid of 9 squares where battles happen within squares, or sometimes in two adjacent squares, but seldom is much else going on. I still enjoy playing on it and it underlines how a basic layout can work well, but of your unreleased maps I think the one I'll mention further down is at least 50% better.

    Sanction - Really nice use of natural geo, and the structures and layout all felt very natural and Haloish to me, in the tradition of good natural-geo-with-structures maps like High Ground. The seemingly static spawning was unfortunate, as it put one team at a heavy disadvantage - lots of running uphill for us. I also noticed your teleporters suffer from the unfortunate teleporter glitch where the particle effect doesn't render, so I didn't realize until we'd played for a while that there was a teleporter at all. I suggest the old-fashioned CE-style teleporter using a shield door. Apart from these two things, I like what I saw here and it seems you're going to be a great addition to our ranks. :)

    Libertad - Fun map for CTF in particular - more so than slayer, I thought, as people tended to play slayer the way everybody plays BTB slayer in this game: hanging out in one spot and DMRing their fool heads off. That's a problem more with BTB than your map though. Sigh. I do have a couple of suggestions - first a minor one, which is to get rid of spawns behind & facing glass. I think most people find that irritating - it looks like you can move forward, until you realize you can't, and then you're disoriented and trying to figure out how to get out of your spawn. Second, after the CTF game I think my team at least started to feel like the paths of the map are too separate. You have these long corridors that intersect in a few key places, but the map is so long that these intersections are both too small and too infrequent. Basically, if you choose to go up that long middle hallway to top center, you're committed to that choice - there's not much cover and no way to get out and move to one of the outer routes. This especially hurt us on the last flag cap in the CTF game; the other team grabbed our flag, two or three of us were about to respawn, and we spawned at the back end of that narrow, outside hallway. From there we had no options except sprinting forward to try to get to the middle, and by the time we got there the other team was already about to score; we weren't even able to fire a shot at the warthog as it drove away, which is unusual for BTB (usually none of the paths are quite that protected). Obviously what I'm suggesting is a pretty substantial change, so I don't expect you to do it, but I think it might be an improvement. // Oh, and a couple of us spawned in the enemy base, behind their flag. This thread is useful if you need help on CTF spawn zones. I made some simple suggestions at the top, but MrGreenWithAGun's blog post (he links to it in the thread) is superior, and I've started setting up my own maps using his basic approach as a template. // Finally, there are balconies in the middle hall that someone told me you originally intended to use for the flag locations? I don't care for those spots much; if you go into them or spawn in them it looks like you can jump down, but you can't without crouching (and even then it's hard to pull off). If they had more overhead clearance I'd be fine with them, I think.

    Salvage - CTF still works with my new respawn zones so this will finally be released soon. Thanks to you guys for helping me test the hell out of this.

    Chimera - I think this map has come a long way but oddball is so not its game. I do think just removing and/or kill-zoning that one top area where the ball holder camped out would be wise; it's not even been used in most of our previous games, the lift location to get up there was not obvious (at least to me), and generally you almost never want to have high ground positions with a single access point, unless they're really vulnerable in some way (e.g. fusion coils, highly 'nadeable, etc.)

    Burial Mounds - Wasn't sure what to expect from a remake of this map since to my knowledge there's no natural geo on any of the forge canvasses that remotely resembles the original. And that turned out to be correct, since you made it with blocks and such, but for that you did a pretty good job. I definitely recognized the map and fell into my old playing patterns on it. The downscaling was not as dramatic as I thought it would be from your comments; it didn't seem THAT much smaller. I did notice that in a few small places the joins between objects were not smooth and you could get hung up on them; try to fix those wherever you can.

    Mobilize - This is just a fun map to roam around on and mix up vehicle and infantry play. It does that very well. The neutral mantis works out just as it should, I think; if you can get it and preserve it, it can turn the tide of the game (and did so for us), but it's hard to get it! I love using ghosts on warthogs on this map too. Were the sniper locations the same? If so, I maintain my concern about that location. I grabbed the sniper once - can't remember if it was on its initial spawn or from a corpse of my teammate - but immediately got sucked into the same dual with the enemy sniper, with the mantis being the prize. Still feel like that's a little too high-stakes of a confrontation. I ended up doing what I hope was the smart move and just trying to stay alive rather than risk my neck to kill the other sniper; I figured it was better to have the threat of the snipe hanging over that open middle area. But a better sniper than me is going to wreck ****. Anyway, great map. And it plays comfortably for 4v4; not sure how it will do with larger than 6v6, if you even intended that. Feels more like a squad map to me.

    Zinc - Just wasn't the same without Hulk's non-stop jetpacking and wall-circumventing, but I tried to make up for it by being exactly as much of an ass. :) A really good CTF map, my man. I do feel that the middle is so open (and riddled with a few death-pits to boot) that it's not really a viable movement option. That's not necessarily a "problem" except in CTF, where it means your flag routes are limited to basically two, I think - the elevated but exposed platform on the one side, or the much more protected lower hall on the other. The latter is so popular that a lot of wars for flags break out down there, but those wars are incredibly fun, too. I want to play this more. Still love your aesthetics - it feels like a real place (a grimy, urban place) and the use of pipes is unconventional but appealing.

    Radiant - I'm running out of compliments for this map. It's just fun. And I think it's as playable as it's gonna get - I know you keep tweaking small things but I barely notice lately. Release it.

    Bleached - Again, CTF is still working so I'm going to release this quite soon, maybe some time this week.

    Reactor8 - I see some potential in this map but I think it will need revising here and there. This game played weirdly for a few reasons: 1, apparently my stupid CTF gametype had a 3 second respawn timer instead of 10. I didn't even notice this when we used it on Bleached, but it was VERY noticeable here since it seemed like defenders tended to always spawn in the same area (back behind the flag) and then had a very short run to start raping and pillaging would-be flag runners. Also, the map feels a little too much like three corridors with limited interaction between them (see also: Libertad). Every time I spawned, I felt like I had to pick one of the three routes, and then hope to only run into one enemy there instead of two or three. Usually it would be the latter, and I would get nowhere near the flag - wash, rinse, repeat. I don't think overall size was your problem and I really don't think this is too big for 4v4 at all, but I feel like it needs to be a bit wider, opened up more through the middle (or somewhere), with some quick flanking routes added and just a general diversification of the gameplay. This CTF match kinda turned into tug-o-war. Me not ****ing up the gametype would have helped with that, but what would have happened then was you go in, kill two guys, grab the flag, and then they respawn ten seconds later in the back of their own base with not even a prayer of defending their flag. So basically a different bad scenario. It's funny how many small things can go wrong in a map or game test, where 95% of it looks great but the 5% really detracts badly from the experience... Anyway, I look forward to your revisions; hit me up if you want advice when I'm in Halo.

    Beaver Creek - Pretty solid remake right here, though the Extraction game choice was a weird one - it felt super-chaotic to me with bases constantly changing hands and non-stop announcements about things going on. I find it hard to keep up with what's happening in Extraction anyway, so this version of it on a small map felt insane to me. But I like how it played (a whole lot like Beaver Creek, go figure!). My only thought was that the interior of the bases felt really tight in places; are they exactly scale to the original? Some of those corridors felt like I had no options if someone was coming at me with a shotgun. I know the bases were always claustrophobic but I seem to remember having just a bit more breathing room.

    ItzxAudienceofDax - This is a nice little map with an interesting layout and some stellar aesthetics. Gameplay moved around and I found reasons to use all of it, so kudos to you two on a nice, non-typical design. Framerate is a sore spot - I have the feeling you and Dax both use more objects in forge than I tend to do.

    Citrine - I also liked this though for 2v2 the lines of sight felt very long. Kind of interestingly, after not being able to make a 4v4 map for ages, it almost feels like your 2v2 designs are stretching out and attempting to become 4v4! However, the relative simplicity of this map makes it unsuitable for 4v4 play. I wonder if it might do to compress it down just a bit (maybe 20% or so), or hell, maybe don't listen to me and keep the long lines of sight. Some people like that style of play (though it's not my personal favorite). Two suggestions/criticisms: one is that the layout, while not bad at all, felt a little random. You usually build on the fly, I know, but this showed more visible signs of that than usual. As a consequence there were parts of the map I didn't realize were supposed to be playable until I spawned in them or someone shot me from them, and parts I basically never wanted or needed to venture into for any reason (which includes most of the natural geometry). If you keep revising this I'm sure it will tighten up on its own, because I know how your brain works. But for the future, I'd love to see you build from concept sketches just to see how it pans out. And two, I felt like when I was in a certain couple of areas (where most of the fighting occurred), I knew where the other team was going to spawn and therefore how they would approach us. For a first game, that probably shouldn't be happening, even on a 2v2 map. You might watch it in theater and see where all the spawning was occurring.

    Hephaestus - This was a fun little arena map with a very MLG feel. I don't think it would work well with AAs (especially jetpack) and trackers, but for the MLG-style gametype it worked really well, fast-paced and fun with loads of movement. Nice job.

    Lith - Could basically just repeat what I said above, though I would add that the use of color and aesthetic details on this map was really impressive. Instead of a real-world look like so many strive for, your friend clearly knew what he was making here and did a colorful, almost arcade-ish arena for fast shootouts and lots of running and jumping. This and Hephaestus both had extra-simple layouts with just the occasional wrinkle (like the elevated spots you could only get to by lift or teleporter or trick jump, but that weren't overpowered in any way). Again, nice job... to your friend. :)

    Octave - One last test of the Dust-Up version of this map. Did you guys like the 2-shot binary rifles as 2v2 weapons? I had the thought to put them on because snipers can really be awful in 2v2 play when someone is good with them, but the binary - while very powerful - gives away user location and can be limited to just two shots. I thought this seemed to work out pretty well. If there are no major objections, I'll release this map soon and put the DU version in the contest thread.

    Impacted - Nice little 2v2 map. I can't remember if you meant this to be for 2v2 play but it is so clearly best for that team size. Great aesthetics too, especially the centerpiece on the ceiling. Bottom mid is very underused but that's not necessarily terrible, just a comment. Oh and hey, Juanez, I hope you had nightmares about being no-scoped. :) The layout is a little basic (center atrium, ring wrapped around it with a few access points to mid) but I don't mind that for small team play.
    #770 Nutduster, Mar 3, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2013
  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    You can jump up from the turret dispenser - that's the only way, otherwise you have to go around toward sword side, or run to the back/middle and use the lift.

    Thanks! And yeah, I'm actually happy about that. When I first built the map I worried the top would be a huge tactical advantage so I worked my ass off to make it a little more vulnerable. It can be a good place to go (it's the fastest route between the two bases) and surprise people who don't expect you to be up there, but it's not a better position than anything on the middle level, I don't think, which is just what I wanted.
  12. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I think I'm going to remake this again.

    Thanks, Nutty! Its taken a while to pull this thing together, but its been a blast. The most recent update Dax and I made this morning should fix the framerate issues and we added a few pieces of cover here and there, just some small alterations to improve the game.

    Yeah, I'm a fan of some of this map's architecture, but I understand this all quite well. Could you provide any specific locations you felt were not coherent with the map?

    As for the planning out beforehand, I have done that many times, but all my creative things end the same way if begun with planning: they change heavily. I planned out Jade about 30 times, and the end result is wholly different than anything I drew up. I use drawings as a source of inspiration, I don't ever seem to follow the, wholly.
  13. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    I guess I hopped in while TCOJ was playing Reactor?

    The green area needs to be redesigned completely. The long LoS created a lot of framerate and stalemates. That cubbyhole was also very annoying.

    In addition, I never spawned anywhere but behind the flag, even when enemies were right in front of me. Spawn point check?

    I'm surprised that there were any caps at all.. Also, if you do fix that green area up, you should move the flag spawns around so that the flag goes more ways than it does currently.

    Hopefully I can show up to some of your next lobbies :) Sorry for leaving so fast.. I have a new pet project :p
    #773 theSpinCycle, Mar 3, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2013
  14. Tombo V1

    Tombo V1 Forerunner

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    pristine ravine

    a good game of ctf.

    i enjoyed the layout, it felt balanced and there is a fair amount of height variation. i liked the usage of large platforms to make a tunnel/doorway effect.

    i didnt really use the middle that much, i'm not good enough to hold any open area with nutduster around! i think that even though they had the better shooters we sneaked the win here through sheer persistence.

    i died a lot, but i get a little tunnel vision with the flag in ctf! i'd rather die and keep the flag outta base than get a kill.

    the map was big enough to offer good cover, with options for routes and small enough to give you a chance to catch up to the flag carrier.

    i particularly enjoyed the fusion coils by the sniper spawn for my double kill at the start!

    looked good, played good. nice job.


    i spawned, ran to a balcony and thought wow.

    great usage of the terrain.

    it felt like a proper layout. its not perfect, but first impressions are good.

    it did feel like red spawned top and blue bottom, but there is a teleporter and as nutduster said in game that may be a spawning issue as opposed to anything else. and i didnt feel that it took too long to get where you wanted to go. (but as you can see from my not great on sizing!)

    theres some nice long lines of sight but ample cover for traversing.

    i liked the central pavilion.

    i would like to play one flag on this. maybe junaezs 5 cap variant as it may play quite quickly.

    i wasnt a biggest fan of the hills in Koth, having to keep going back to C was becoming tiresome! maybe add some more.

    other than that, i enjoyed it and would like to play it again.


    again, close games. especially the slayer even though it was 3v4.

    i tried my best to include suggestions from last weeks testing. i like how i have forged said changes - but not sure it has improved it.

    i had wanted to play KOTH to get people to use more of the map, but the 2 people prior both used it and i didnt want to play it again!

    (i havent gotten around to adding either distraction...i mean extraction :) and dominion - though i could possibly get a good dominion game out of this now...and i dont think its an oddball map at all)


    another solid game on this.

    think people are finally getting to grips with the bottom, which immediately puts people off but once learnt is used accordingly.

    what more to say? like it.


    i didnt get to the natural side of the map at all. so can comment on that.

    i liked a few of the changes you have made. some pieces now feel more natural than the floaty sense they gave me before.

    im not sure i enjoyed the changes to yellow base.

    i understand the addition of the grav lift cross map but i dont know if its needed.

    i like the jump from orange to yellow, i didnt notice that in game and that adds to the flow for me.

    blue base is solid. though has a couple of floaty pieces and the ramps dont quite line up on one side, though movement is still smooth.

    top orange was a bit campy for oddball, i did jump down once carrier died but it was too late to promote further gameplay.

    i now feel like there are too many tactical jumps and not enough smooth runways - i like the artifact bases in bottom middle, but dont like dropping down and jumping back up what is about 1 point on editing, id rather it be smooth.

    the natural side top did feel slightly overpowered, especially with the a good shot - but any height advantage is a going to have that effect.

    best game on this yet, though. you are pretty maxed out on budget - so any changes are going to come out of removing things. how happy with the map are you?

    i look forward to its next version.

    burial mounds

    a favourite on H2.

    and a good recreation.

    i just felt it looked a bit samey, but this is off of one test, so playing it again would give me a better impression. very good usage of pieces though.

    there is not as much height variation as the original. i didnt feel as safe traversing the map as i recall (but memory is never that reliable.

    i enjoyed the map though, would like to play it again.


    is one of those maps i find deceptively big.

    i found it a little hard to navigate myself to start with and by the time i picked it up the map was over!

    its a very solid build, but as to how it plays i cant really say much as it passed me by, i died a lot! (yes a running theme for me....!) i'll have more to say when we play it again as i have been around forge alittle and know what to expect now.

    did we just play slayer?


    i enjoyed zinc my first time playing. i picked up the layout quite quickly. so towards the end could traverse the map quickly and effect the flow of the flags more.

    you could, arguably to easily for me, traverse the map quite quickly and get ahead of the person carrying the flag. i know its a fine balance.

    the balcony type bit was good and not overused. i liked the pit in the middle.

    though because of the balcony and the pit the flag tended to stay on one side of the map.

    or at least the other team found the most productive route for them and used it a lot.

    it was god though, i look forward to playing again.


    job done dude!


    another solid game from the as yet to see a bad map from nutduster.

    can i see a bad map you have made?!

    it plays well, the game was close.

    reactor 8

    i really liked the direct line between the flags that turned into a standoff. reminiscint of bottom on haven.

    you had to keep your side protected. whilst still pushing forwards and having people flank/defend the longer route around.

    i felt this was a good map concept.

    the red flag felt a little harder to get, being an assymetrical map.

    but the basis is there from some fine tuning.

    i felt the battle flowed pretty well and there was some good usage of pieces. it was written in these parts you cant make 4v4 maps! - i look forward to seeing how this map evolves :)

    beaver creek

    a pretty faithful remake. well forged

    but it was far too frantic for me.

    id like the map a little bigger, seeing as sprint has made all maps easier to traverse.

    maybe it was dominion, but i didnt really have time to breathe and take my surroundings in.

    its probably just me, but i prefer a little less immediacy of battle.
  15. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That was a blast. I'll have to go back through my recent games to know which maps I'm commenting on. There were a few in particular that really stood out and I enjoyed greatly.

    To you guys commenting on Sanction, thanks for the feed back. The problem with the spawns was stupid. I already went back and fixed it. I did label the respawn zones per teams & that's what caused it. As for the tele porters; you never saw them because they are set to FFA only :) cuz they add to the FFA gameplay but I'm afraid they hurt team spawns. I've already done ample adjustments and additions do next time it should play properly.

    Thanks again guys, it was good to be apart of a full part that actually stays full for that long. I hope to be apart of this for along time.
  16. Tombo V1

    Tombo V1 Forerunner

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    good or bad surprise?

    the rocket spawn side is much bigger than i wanted, but i did it on your suggestion that i make more room for vehicles! :p

    i know my spawning is bad, but i am focusing more on the layout and then intend on organising spawns once that is pretty concrete.

    i am not treating every test as if i expect it to be final version of the map. is that wrong?

    i place weapons and spawns approximately as i dont feel you can know whats best until its been played on. (plus im not that well versed on spawns yet)

    though i readily accept spawn criticism, i just assumed you were just flanking/exploring!
  17. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Absolutely not. The whole point of testing is to get feedback and make changes if necessary - sometimes small nips and tucks, sometimes radical re-thinking of the map.
  18. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Its too early to tell if I like how huge this has become. Honestly, for 4v4, i wan't too keen on it all. However, 5v5 may be different.

    That place where you get the binary rifle seemed unnecessarily large. I liked it when it was more narrow, i was just thinking a unit wider and more entrance/exits when i suggested it to be different. Sorry about that confusion. Again though, I'll know more after a larger scale test.

    EDIT: began a new version of Reactor nearly starting from scratch. Taking some of what i found last night into play on it. It's going to be smaller, but still roughly the same size I think, and more complex. It should all work out, and I hope to have it done by tuesday for Team slayer at least. I'd love to have some of you take a look as its construction comes closer to a completion and get some opinions.

    Also, tombo, yeah, i can't make 4v4's. I'm trying, but it's impossible. :p
    #778 Audienceofone, Mar 3, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2013
  19. Tombo V1

    Tombo V1 Forerunner

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    i really dont wanna ***** the thread again, so i apologise, but i want to pick his brain for a bit!

    ctf is very much the intended gameplay, so happy about that.

    slayer i use to test as i dont think that it excludes anyone. its pick up and play and doesnt harm peoples fun (i hope)

    is there a better way to test a map layout?

    can do :)

    i consider them more a safe spawn, but am happy to remove. people prefer an immediacy of conflict which i am having to adjust for.

    in my head they arent that small. which is why testing is a good thing :)

    after my first couple of maps being told i am too complicated, i feel if i were to open it up more it would not make the map better. only promote the importance of sniper and dmr.

    this in intentional. its the most direct route. if it were too easy you wouldnt use any more of the map.

    ignoring the 2 ends, there are 4 ways out.

    i could do more, i suppose, but would that not create a few more campy spots thinking of the larger outside rocket spawn? would that limit player movement?

    if you have the time, feel free to go into forge delete what you think needs opening up, upload to your fileshare and i'll see what i can do :)

    do you mean the initial spawn, 2 story bases with the circular balconies?

    i have never intended them for that :)

    i find that for a lot of maps the flag is on the edge of the map, against a wall. sometimes really hard to get and respawn points are really close by.

    with libertad i tried to create a feeling of a defend-able position, but not overpowered.

    there are not great lines of sights from those balconies (or at least there werent when the sniper towers where there. i may have to look at LoS again...)

    it offers a safe spawn point, of almost reinforcement. as you have to rejoin the fight or at least that is the intention. they are not designed for a lot of traffic and have an escape route in the teleport to escape potential spawn raping.

    if you get what i mean :)
  20. GetRdy2Fall

    GetRdy2Fall Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback on Zinc yall. I'm thinking about changeing up the mid a bit and the side where the flag running hit a dead stop. I don't want it to be taken the same route every time cause that's no fun. Hopefully we can get a 5v5 on this on tuesday to see how that plays.

    I need to go into my game history first and then I'll provide feedback for all yall.

    Edited by merge:

    Pristine Ravine this is still great, it's come far since the first time I tested it with yall. It has a simple, but very nice and fun design to it. The fusion coils were a nice addition. I have no complaints about it yet so keep it up!

    Sanction This was a very nice map with all the different structures. Even though my team got destroyed on KotH, i feel like that gametype is perfect for it. The spawns did seem a bit messed up though, seeing how we always spawned on the bottom and yall always spawned on top. Other than that, it has that matchmaking feel to it :p

    Libertad I like the name haha. There were an issues I had with this one though. One side had all of the action because it had a center structure, outside cover and elevation change, where as the other side was a long, 1 way road. I don't think I saw one enemy on that side. It needs a faster connection to the middle, other than those long tunnels at the ends of the road. Also, (this may be a horrible idea, but i'm curious) maybe you could add a neutral ghost? That aside, it was still fun to play on. Can't wait to see it again with some changes.

    Salvage Still VERY interesting and cool. CTF is surprisingly a great game type for it (I say surprising cause there are two very separated areas). Is the DMR's scope long enough to shoot people on the bottom from the top? I felt like it was. If only the carbine had the same range /: Keep up the good work with your maps!

    Chimera This one reminds me of lockout, or the uncaged. I do like it, but it seems to only fit Slayer or maybe KotH. That aint a problem though. I saw the sniper hallway was thickenized which was awesome. Keep it up!

    Burial Mounds OK, from what I can remember from so many years ago, this seems exactly like the original. And I love it. I saw just the tiniest angle changes which I could remember was true about the original. The size was perfect for the number of players we had too. Not sure what else to say about this one other than it was spot on haha good job.

    Mobileize As always, great design from you. I liked how the mantis spawns where it can easily be taken out due to the elevation advantage people had. The aesthetics were nice too. Overall, pretty good keep it up

    Radiant I think this is my favorite map I've seen in a while. It looks nice, it plays nice, it has many routes. KotH is the best game type in my opinion so far. Have you tested oddball with it yet though? I wonder how well that will play out.

    Awesome lobby yesterday yall. Can't wait for tuesday
    #780 GetRdy2Fall, Mar 3, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2013
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