Archive of Test Night Recaps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nutduster, Jan 16, 2013.


Can you (sometimes) play on Saturdays around 11 AM or 12 noon?

  1. Yes, that time could work for me.

  2. No, I am never available at that time.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Pizza rolls.

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  1. unrivaled20

    unrivaled20 Promethean

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    I have to leave early but i would love to stay.

    Hulk, I think you should go through all the jumps on the map and make sure most of them are able to be accomplished without sprint and the ones that require sprint make sure they are easily done.
  2. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The map I will be testing I believe should play an intense 4v4 and really solid 2v2. I might like to submit it to the dust up. Could someone direct me to a list of things/rules to make my compatible for the gametype?
  3. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    No random ordnance. No initial ordnance except for power-ups (speed boost, damage boost, OS). Weapons and nades on map, old school style. Map should play well for 2v2 and not be breakable. That's about the sum of it.

    If you want the gametype now, it's in the fileshare of RedSideTheory. Or you can get it from me!
  4. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thats easy enough. My maps are never breakable! :D lol
    And i'll get the gametype from RST because I dont like you!
  5. Tombo V1

    Tombo V1 Forerunner

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    i havent the pleasure of killing GG8 yet.

    i'm looking forward to tonight :)
  6. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Its funny we've been talking about forge for a while but still haven't played together yet. Looking forward to it.
  7. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I think I may have to leave early tonight. Things to do and not enough time to get to them all.
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Do them now, ya bum. Or at midnight. We don't care.
  9. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm doing as much as I can now.
  10. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Ya we don't care if you don't get all your important stuff done, it has no bearing on our lives! :D
  11. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank you both for being so understanding. ;)
  12. GetRdy2Fall

    GetRdy2Fall Forerunner

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    If I get in today, I'll have to leave early too /:
  13. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I understand getting in some people early that decided to sign up late and since they beat me to accepting the game invite by a min. But I thought there was a purpose to reserve a slot and that slot will be given to you over a person that signs up behind you.

    I'm pretty irritated and hope you understand but I set aside my entire day to have a new map ready to test and to get that response from you was pretty upsetting. I'm not going to sit here and stand by my xbox waiting for a slot to open up within the next couple hours all because someone beat me to the punch. That time I went offline for a whole 2 mins was to make sure my computer and capture card were set up to record for your lobby and it doesn't sit good with me that I signed up first and get denied by someone who decided to sign up days after me. Don't mean to offend you here and have a good night.
  14. Tombo V1

    Tombo V1 Forerunner

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    good games tonight guys.

    but its past my bedtime, will get my recaps done for tomorrow night as i will be at work soon :(
  15. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    That is the purpose. My apologies. When TCOJ first started we never used to invite reserves in until it was clear the first 8 weren't online. But after months of literally dipping 2-3 players deep into reserves every single week, I've gotten into the habit of inviting everybody and just seeing who shows. I even raised the cap to 10 players tonight, and we still filled to capacity within minutes. It's pretty much the first time it's happened in... ever, and it blindsided me. But I'll take some measures to make sure it doesn't happen again.

    Wasn't intentional, and I apologize again. But my only recourse once that was the situation would be to boot someone else, and I hope you can understand that I can't stand to do that. Willing attendees are too short in supply. I actually tried to arrange it so unrivaled (who had to leave early) would slide out and you'd slide in, which was going to happen just a few minutes after you went offline. Under the circumstances, it's what I thought was the best thing to do.


    Also, I apologize for bailing early on the last game we just played, but just to be as clear as possible about this, I don't ever want to get sucked into a 3-on-4 objective game again. That was five of the most infuriating minutes of Halo I've ever played, chasing the ball icon around in circles while getting shot in the back by three guys. If we can't get even teams guys, please dial up a FFA gametype (any of them) or team slayer. But no CTF, no KOTH, no oddball. It sucks. It's because of games like that that I sometimes retire from matchmaking for months at a time.
    #655 Nutduster, Feb 26, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2013
  16. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Recap for Tuesday, Feb 26th

    Blah? Blah.
  17. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    sounds exciting!

    i'll show myself out...
  18. unrivaled20

    unrivaled20 Promethean

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    I think your lobby has gotten too "popular". And Next week or future weeks i could see the same thing happening with people wanting to play and the lobby being full.

    Granted this was the first time this happen. I think these are the best customs around and generally once people play once or twice the probably won't want to leave which speaks volumes for the lobby but ultimately will leave people out.

    I don't know how to address this. I am not sure the sign up order is the greatest solution because i am almost certain that everybody who played in this lobby will play again next week barring extreme circumstances. Also its not fair to people who want to sign up and are not around when you post the thread.

    I don't know how you want to deal with this. Perhaps you could phase people in and out of the lobby at set times. This however might lead to smaller lobbies which could not keep it at 4 v 4. I think people should post the times they expect to play. granted, things come up and nobody is absolutely sure when they will be online. Or we could play maps for people who support 6 v6 and wait for people to leave. Or you could have audience branch out and form a 2v2 lobby while there is a 4 v4 lobby going on.

    I don't know whats the best route for this lobby but i think not letting people in who signed up with no time frame of when they can join it probably the worst thing you could do.

    Edited by merge:

    I still think that two test which could be 24 minutes for a players map is to much time for a test. granted it is good for testing purposes of your maps, but it is very bad for people are near the end of the testing order. if you have 10 people who need to test. it would take 2 hours to go through all players once s at max time limit. i am not sure what happened after i left and why you rage quit. but if someone wants to test there map on ctf and they are in the back of the order they shouldnt have to be forced to play non objective games especially after playing 2 hours waiting so they can test there map that they worked on all day only to find that by the end of the lobby people are restless and they won't get to do what they planned on all week.
    #658 unrivaled20, Feb 27, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2013
  19. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
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    It's a wierd situation alright. Nutty and GG used to run this lobby on Reach, and it was nowhere near as popular, they had to get the reserves in and sometimes just play 3v3s. It has blossomed into probably the best custom lobby on Forgehub i think due to the way it is run and the way we all conduct ourselves, like adults (mostly). The lead gets passed around without complaint and everyone tries their best in each game.

    But they only started it as two friends wanting to make an easy-going testing group, and due to TCOJ's popularity it now looks like the group hosts will have to radically change the way proceedings go, or make some tough choices about what to do with reserves. I don't think anyone got missed off the main list of participants last night, except for Hulk, who seemed to be having connection issues. Being last on the list myself, i agree that its tough. But i can't envision another way to do it; other than trying to make it an official forgehub thing, which I dont think it ever has been.
  20. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I don't think radically re-structuring the way the lobby is run is the answer. ND and I have been at this for about 2 years and we tried a lot of different things. This really works best. Its alot like the justice system, sometimes innocent men get exiled. Option two is: stop crying and take it like a man! Lol

    I feel partially responsible for hulk missing the lobby. I was a reserve and got in before. So I apologize as well. but this isn't the first time this is happened either.
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