Mini games are cool, untested or otherwise. We don't get enough of them IMO. It's a nice change of pace. And oh yeah, reminder - the lobby's tonight!
Very sorry for the lack of recap. Been awfully busy yesterday and i forgot my phone so couldnt do any at work today either :-(
i've been put on early shifts all this week now, so will relinquish my reserve spot. i'd like to play but i havent quite gotten my map ready and id prefer to get a bit more sleep! sorry.
I think the semi-perma slot idea you have is actually a pretty good idea. I know when I was playing regularly with yall, the hardest thing was remembering to sign up, or looking for the sign up thread. I didn't ever care about the order we went in either so that idea seems good. As far as two games in a row, or time limit cap under 12min, I would leave that as is, much for the same reasons as nutduster said. Most finish early, and flag benefits from being able to have that whole time. I always found it a benefit to play the same map twice in a row, gave me a chance to get to know it, explore and leave better feedback. If yall do start a 2nd lobby up, let me know i'd like to get in some games with yall, i'm just not home on tuesday nights.
I really wish that I could forge a 4v4 map for once. I always hate having nothing to contribute to these nights.
We'll just run yo **** last, if that's alright with you. It works out better that way anyhow, since we always lose people toward the end; if I could I'd have the last two people always test 2v2 maps.
I'm actually finding it incredibly difficult to make anything at all. I may have something to run, but probably not at all.
OI, shut it you! Or go buy a copy and join us back in the land of GOOD first person shooters. I dunno if you realise but Nutduster has mosied into your spot of resident SK.
I may be late to this one, taking dinner to my wife and meeting her for break. I'll probably be on around 7:30 (hopefully sooner) because I planned on recording tonight for you guys.
Recap for Tuesday Feb. 19th You know the drill. I'll be back with thoughts and impressions at some point tomorrow.
Will be posting Video recaps in ordered played. One thing I may ask of you guys for feedback on my map: 1.) Spawning 2.) Dominion Turrets 3.) Weapon choices and locations 4.) Should I include Rocket Hog(s) for anti-air or switch them out with the Mantis? 5.) What gameytpes do you want to see from this map next time? Fixes I plan on making: -Delay Banshee arrival -More readily initial spawns for defenders -Needs to be a little more anti-air possibly *Also is there a way to have dominion turrets fully charged at game start? Recap Recap
well i found three things that i needed to fix with my mini game and they are already done so the will be there the next go around whenever that may be. 1.Rockets will be set on bottomless clip as it took too long to reload 2.You will not be able to hijack people 3. The score will be set to 1 instead of 3. I will review all maps tomorrow and probably sundays lobby two
Hiya fellas. PAYLOAD Damn it this plays awesome. It looks almost like a mini game during the first minute or two but soon becomes apparent that it is a really competitive one-flag map. By shortening the ship you balanced the gameplay out. It's still difficult to pull the flag and get it down to the other end but more achievable than it was. The power weapons easily visible to attackers and defenders and the dominion turret is a clever addition. As for activating it from the word go, i dont know how but perhaps you might spawn one player directly in front of it? That kinda spoils the effect where you all spawn in the operations room. I did'nt have any issue with how quickly the banshees reached the ship. You had 15-20seconds to prepare yourselves and that seemed enough.! But if you want to slow them down i would just add a trait zone around the attackers spawn reducing run speed to 75%. That is if you wanna keep it simple and keep your budget down. As for the mantis getting stuck in behind the front one ? JUST GET IN THE FRONT ONE!!!!!! SKYGARDEN This played really well. Not being a jetpacker at all I dreaded this starting but it turned out not to need an extensive knowledge of jetpacking due to unlimited jetpack. If i missed my exit so to speak, i could just hold the button down and hover back up. I dont know how anything elsewill play on here due to the epic verticality but KOTH was great fun. I had a few moments when i was lost or simply 'wtf' but towards the end of the game i was figuring out all the different routes. It would be very unfair to call this a minigame cos it played so competitively that it was like a regular 4v4. No suggestions, this seems so fulfill its purpose to the full. Oh and i really liked the long top hill, it reminded me of being ontop of a giant set of molars. Wierd eh? [br][/br]Edited by merge: RAMPANT REVENGE This played almost exactly like crash-up derby, so I dont really have much input- i have never been a minigame guy TBH. I fell off a lot of times, the paths were a bit too easy to tumble off i thought, but i dont usually get in hogs so it's probably just me. Like nutduster said, you should turn them initial spawns in a bit to see the warthogs. I had the most fun by far rocketing everyone else from my balcony after i died. That was brilliant.