Hey every body i have updated the photobucket acount and i will be posting some of the pictures on this forum soon. any way i would like to thank every one that has posted picture with in the past week we have gotten at least 10 new acceptable photos with in the past week alone inprooving outr old number from 69 to 83, i think. thank you every one i will now be bulk uploading a lot of pictures veary soon. mostly my own, and a few from some featured maps that have ben up recently.
This was made by Black Theorm in his map Trembular City. This one is made by Col Keller in his map Longevity. Again not made by me.
Sure I'll put it in this post by the end of the night. But for the connector cables, I used scalfoldings... sorry if it's mispelled.
for sandbox you can make ladders fairly easy... check out my map... link is in my sig. simple as that anyways it can be done its just time consuming.... im pretty sure im the first to post about it but i could be wrong... LOL, Ix Massacre xxI Beat me to it... anyways there is a good picture of it. thanks =)
Oh i figured it out like 30 minutes after i had posted on this. nice idea it really looks real. i agree this picture is one of the best ones i have seen on this forum for sure 10/10 nice one Shea.
Hey sorry I didn't post a link, I just don't wanna move around too much in my share. Do you still need a link?
i dont but some one else may, oh well you dont need to worry about it ill wait till you map is release and ill get the link my self.
I saw one or two from sandbox on the first page so I'm assuming Sandbox Forgitecture is okay too. I did not see this on the first page so decided to post it. Just a lift similar to the gold lift on Guardian would probably be better if the Grav lift itself were merged into the ground but sadly i am not good at that. Red Lift (just a rough, sloppy quick draft when i first got the idea) Front Rear/Side view Blue Lift (Updated, Cleaner version. could still use some work though.) Front Rear (Ignore the structure in the background. This is just a map i test random ideas on) Action Shot
wow nice pisture and it really help with figuring out how to make it even though it is kinda a given it is a really cool consept and ill be posting some more picture on the fist page later to night so there will be some more to see and the is a link to a lot more on the photobucket dedicaded server
Yes this dome looks amazing here is the link.... i found it browsing through the maps cuz i want to dl it. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/79435-made-china.html
Hey guys these are nice and all but im starting to get PMs telling me to take down there map pictures, for any one thinking that... arcitecture is a renuable resource, and any one can use any one elses Architecture in the use of there own maps i understand that you dont want any one else using your ideas but if your so worried about it then dont post your map.