I am hoping this is the final iteration of my 1v1 map. (Other then some cleaning and tightening obviously.) This is a dedicated 1v1 map. It could work for 2v2 as well as a 4 person FFA. 2v2 flag might work as well. And I am contemplating setting that up. If I get a high enough demand for it. The general idea of this map stemmed from the competitive MLG styled 1v1's of Halo 2 on Warlock. This map is a symmetrical arena styled map. Although it does feel like Warlock, you quickly realize it is it's own map. This map is very very small. One of the reasons it is a dedicated 1v1 map. Here is the first one - Archetype V1 Here is the second one - Archetype V1.3 The changes done to this version include.......... - Removal of box on top mid - No Mauler - Invis added to wide open top mid - Adjustments to various nades on the map - Nade spawn times adjusted slightly - Signs on A and B platforms have been turned and merged - Corner wall cover under platforms has been pushed in - Spools added as a means of quick escape to top from bottom - Reworked spawns - Bases now indicated by invis and OV - A lot of reworked merging - Weapon set is returned to just BR / Carbine - Adjusted timing on the "background noise". The different versions of this map have been well accepted. I have not really had any negative feedback. The actual game settings are basically MLG settings. 10 second respawn is needed for 1v1's. For 2v2's, I would suggest 5. Although I am hoping this turns out to be the final version, I will still take constructive criticism. Just because I would like to get it perfect. Now for pics and links................... The new top mid Red Base B Platform Blue Base A Platform Get the map here.....Archetype V2.2 I would like to continue to give Juxer credit for about 80% of the Forging on this. I could not have done it without him.
looks good, kindof like an arena thats more open and larger. however if you set the spawn points to defenders/attackers it could be very easy to spawn camp, by defenders/attackers i mean the two seperate teams
I have played an earlier version of this and enjoyed it. I am a big fan of 1v1 maps so my son and I can play split screen against each other. The improvements sound really good.
We played a 4 person FFA just after you left to take screenshots, it went down really well. There wasn't any missed action, and when you spawned, there was action straight in front of you. Everyone was too busy fighting each other to spawn kill. It's what Halo needed, a tight small map, although I still like medium-maped 1v1s, this is the only small map that I could think of playing on.
All spawn points are neutral and no spawn is out in the open or easily viewable by an opponent. And I have yet for anyone to spawn directly in front of me.
Truth. Everything that could have been taken into consideration, has been. Even background noise, haha. This map will own your face off.
I remember downloading an earlier version of this map and I absolutely loved it. Although did feel some small changes needed to be made to make this map an excellent close quarters map. Not only did your surprise me by making an excellent close quarters map to start with, and might I add supplying us with multiple game play videos to show us the map in more detail, but you have stuck with this map. You've show real dedication to your map, changing it to make it play better, look better and have an overall better feel. I agree the middle box should have been changed, though I think it should have just been replaced with a closed box and lowered slightly, however I have not played this version yet so I have yet to see the results of this modification game play wise. The post of the version I have played and currently have on my HDD only had one picture in the thread so I am glad to see you have shown more pictures then you previously did. It certainly makes it easier for newcomers to this map to see the entire map and understand the layout. My favorite part of this re-release is the removal of the Mauler and replacing it with the invisibility. I'm sure it will change the dynamic of the map somewhat but with such a small map I cannot see it as overpowering, as the Mauler was. Anyway I wont keep going on and on because as everyone should be able to tell so far... I love this map. As I said about the previous version, I love small maps with BR focus. Arena style maps are what Halo3 is lacking and you have provided. Thank you for this wonderful map and keep on Forging. I can't wait to see what else you bring us!
Wow. Thank you. My dream would be to have this become the "standard" map for competitive 1v1's. Which is why I am trying to balance the needs of many 1v1 enthusiasts. The only reason the original took off so well was because I actually spoke with a lot of 1v1 enthusiasts about what they wanted in a 1v1 map before I even started. So I researched criteria for about a month. Now were are "fine tuning". Which is surprisingly funny that they all (for the most part) described Warlock. There is not a piece of this map that does not have a reason for what it is or why it is like that. My next map is a remake of a classic form another game. I am loosely working with someone special for this one. Basically to show them up. But to give him what he tried to create in the first place.