description: one of the few ancient forunner structers to survive the flood info: im proud to say that this map is completly symetrical, the middle structure splits up the two sides. on both sides there are the main bases which are protected by shield doors. when you walk down the main ramp, you see a small box and directly oppisite is two double boxes stack which makes tower. under the side ramps of the bases there are two ghosts. the weapons are all covenate, which was meant to give a forunner feeling because the covenate based there tech on forunner tech. screens: link:im having some trouble linking my gamer tag to my bungie. net pro, becasue its not my xbox originaly so i have to get the info, so sorry bout that.
once again... please wait until you have the COMPLETE package ready before posting your next map. Right now, this is just a waste of space and time without a link.