Lolz ya this one IS the best one in a while. A funny part was where a blue guy flys out of the building, and then comes down, he has a South Park, pain thing.
I really didn't like this episode that much, im sorry to say but due to the fact that he isn't using his trademark background music, the story seem'd a bit...different, Yes it was funny, especially at the end, but now that he cant use sounds or music due to Copyright stuff, they seem a bit more...Stale, I dont think Arby and the Chief can last much by just playing Original Halo 3 music and little tid bits of uncopyrighted stuff. Still, made me lol though, just not as much as it used to. :'(
I dun think that Y35 is a retard. lol Yeah, I'm not sure that his microphone was working like usual, but the episode was pretty good. I can't believe he doesn't like grifball though. What's up with that? EDIT: Why can't he play that music anymore? I thought he purchased certain rights online for like around $30. I always thought that Curb your enthusiasm music was perfect for it and this and the last episode didn't have the touch I miss. Still good though.
That r teh funnyest vid yeet. It madez meh lolololololololz. But really that was hilarious. Nice find.
Ok....I knew he got point was He gets paid to tape halo action figures thinking about porn and lame ideas, while trying to show off his recon. When i grow up i wish i could own as many halo 3 Barbi dolls as he does, then everyone will think i r kewl. i mean, seriously, what kind of pervert is he to play with barbies and then put them into a scene where he is downloading porn from the internet, lol. and his jokes arent even that funny, without 1337 talk it would be nothing.
lolwut? i cant even believe everyone. it was kinda funny.....but still not that great. even the bad ones before were a little more funny then this one. crazy people.... if you say duck in a crowded room every one ducks :/
I guess I said duck, but I've hated the last three or so and this one was awesome imo. They actually had chief talking **** the whole time again.