Hey guys, this is a rant. Please don't flame me. In halo 2, bungie created a great character. The arbiter... they built him up as much as MASTER CHIEF!! They worked together, it was awesome. Halo 3 came, arbiter was just the "background character. LIKE WTF BUNGIE YOU NOOBZ? He was majorly underused in halo 3 campaign. That is the ONLY grudge i have against bungie. Other then that. THANKS FOR SUCH A GREAT GAME .
You know why? Because people like you complained to Bungie because in Halo 2 the Arbiter was over-used and the Chief didn't seem like the main focus. Shows that some people just can't be pleased.
I think I know why. Arbiter is like that guy who saves your life over and over again, but other than that he just chills in the background. Sort of like Robin is to Batman. Well thats my opinion anyways.
Arbiter's more like a point of interest for the people that really play the game for the storyline, like the members of Acendant Justice.
I haven't played Halo 2 Campaign, but I'm satistfied with the way Halo 3 is. I think they kinda left him as a side-kick because of Co-op. Players now have the option to do Campaign by themselves, or with 4 other friends online or in the same console( if the same doesn't apply to Halo 2). But just imagine. When you're in Co-op, the second player is always the Arbiter. Then what happens if you're in Single Player campaign. The Arbiter wouldn't appear as much. Or at least that's how I look at it.
I was Halo 2s story line that makes him unliked by most of the Halo population plus he was a former enemy.
Uh because hes the CHIEF.The whole series was around the chief.There not just gunna make an equal character towards him.