It would suck. Same would go for Chief armor. Matchmaking would be flooded with only those two armor perms.
I don;t know what either look like. Nevermind, I see what arbitar is.. Duh! But what is cheif? He wears mark vi and we have it.
His armor has dents in it and the color as well, which make it unique. Arbiter, I think it's quite evident why it is unique.
It wouldn't work considering perms only change shoulders body and head. Arbiter's armor is to unique because it's different in the whole body compared to a regular elite. Master Chief's armor color is what I think he's talking about, which is a dark green. Use to be sage in halo 2, but they made sage lighter in halo 3 and made green super light.
But his armor has battle damage which make it look cool. Maybe that could technically be added to multiplayer since the skinning has alrleady been done? Kinda like flaming helmet, only this is for the body.
The Arbitor's armour is a one of a kind, created especially for the role. Plus, its hundreds of years old and is 'old tech' compared to the present elite armour.
It would be cool, but Bungie has stated that they CAN'T add new armor, because if they did we would have to download it, which would make no sense and would require no effort.
mmhmm, wouldn't take effort. Ok. Personally I would be first in line to DL armor Perms if they would just put them up. I'd pay for new elite perms if I could get them. All you'd have to do is make it an Auto Update where if you don't have the new stuff, you can't play Live Halo. Simple. But, Bungie = retarded window lickers- most of the time.
Except that forces people to buy the updates. At least if you don't buy the DLC maps there are a few playlists you can still enjoy. This forces you to pay more money to continue playing a game you own.
Sorry, but this: I'm getting sick to the teeth of Bungie (OK, so it's actually Microsoft doing it, but Bungie are implicit in all of this on some level) worming in ways to charge people after already having bought the game. With the Heroic DLC it was all good, they became free then they became compulsory, that seems more than fair to me. But with the Legendary not looking to become free at all, and being compulsory for multiple playlists (Doubles? Seriously? There is not one map in the Legendary that even plays passably for Doubles, give up on Blackout, it fails), and the Mythic following suit even quicker after it's release, we see what this is all about. H3 is a long standing game, so instead of getting you to pay a constant fee to pay it (oh wait, all this money is going to MS anyway, and who are we paying for our LIVE subscriptions? That's right), they just add on DLC then make it compulsory (the rate at which Mythic is becoming compulsory is insane if you ask me, right off the mark). So now we end up paying, let's say a generous £30 for the game (was 40 when I got it, but whatever), then a further £16 for The Legendary and Mythic DLC (although the fact that you can only buy MS points by the thousand when ALL the major DLC's are 800 points means you're getting ripped off even further). ***** is that you can't even buy the DLC's second hand like you can with the actual game, so if you wana buy it a whole load of time after it's released, guess what? Enter Bungie with their continued monopoly, 'you will buy it from us and you will pay full price'. Look, I appreciate that DLC costs money to produce, but man, this is being milked after they good start they made with the Heroic. Charge for a while to make it back, have a few playlists where those who have bought it can enjoy it, and even make it included but not required so that all playlists have a chance of it coming up without it being required. But put the squeeze on a community who love your games more than anything? No thanks, the mythic situation is disgusted, and if it weren't for the fact that I got the maps free then I probably wouldn't have bought them, would be sitting in my little pit of anger over this whole thing. We all know MS is calling the shots on this one, but look at this how it is, if you're actually gonna encourage Bungie/MS to screw us over in a new way then I have no symapthy for you. /irrelevant rant. Plus, as stated numerous times, new armour variants can't be added in to Halo 3. All armour variants are coded in to the game itself, more cannot be added, the only way they keep Recon to just a few people is making it so it has to be unlocked by Bungie on your account, it's still technically there even before then, coded in to the game. So yeah, not gonna happen, and I for one am glad, cause I know that we'd get charged through the ass for it and basically told 'buy it or stop playing'. No thanks.
I also am sick of DLC prices. I can afford them but look at GoW2, map pack only a month or 2 after release. Why wasn't it in the CD? MS might as well give us the games for 20$ and charge a left nut for the DLC because it basically says this game isn't completed.
Urban, I believe I have answered any questions you may have about adding armor perms into matchmaking, like last week. Bungie cannot add any new armor perms to Halo 3. Not via Title Update, DLC, or Halo 3:ODST.
Wow really? "I can't afford DLC!!" what?? DLC is like $10. That's like 2 McDonald's meals. Or 10 candy bars. Or 9 hotwheel cars. Anyone can afford that, especially somebody who already has enough money to pay for an internet connection, xbox live subscription, xbox, and computer (I can only assume you used your own computer to go onto forgehub). Nobody likes a whiner. Srsly you guys if you don't like the DLC then don't buy it. If it you do like it then get a minimum wage job (if you don't already have 10 bucks lying around the house) work for like 2 hours then quit, then go to bestbuy or gamestop or wherever, buy a microsoft point card, then download. you act like bungie is going overboard when really their not being that ridiculous. think about. consider the entertainment value you get from the new dlc compared to the price you pay. the entertainment (which is usually 100+ hours) is way bigger than the price. Compared to a movie ticket, costing around 6-9 dollars for 3 hours of entertainment at most. Or a DVD which costs $20 for the same thing. Bungie is not being ridiculous. so really give it a rest.
I was talking about how DLC is cranked out for every game, as in they just make some content to get more money when they could put it in their game for better quality. At least Bungie doesn't constantly make DLC in only a few months to make a quick buck (RE5 Versus). But like Pegasi said: We have to buy the maps to play the game we pay for, and for halo, that also means xbox live and internet. And for me I'm not complaining about the price either, but it seems 99.9% dlc for xbox is 800 points when a lot of it isn't worth it
Also, when ODST comes out, we'll be paying probably 20-30$ for a game, and maps we'll already have. Good thing I was lazy and got the heroic maps when they were free . RE5 versus is, arguably the best example. Honestly. Why would you want to pay for something like that?
Well you are getting a map pack and new campaign levels so if it just that, then it is worth 20$, for 30$ I'm going to have to see some details.