What do you like better? Assault Rifle Effective at short range somewhat mid-range About a 3.3 Second kill at short range Great for close up combat, spraying, and raiding. No far range, weak single shots, bad accuracy. Battle Rifle Effective at Short - Mid range Somewhat long range About a 3.8 second kill at short range (4 Shot) Great for cross-medium maps (Pit, Gaurdian, Foundry,) Nice for quick killing when enemy has no shield (And kill stealing) 3 Shot burst, O.K. Accuracy, Bad sniping. ~~~ Rules for Posting You can only choose 1, Not both. ex. "If this happend use the AR, and if This happened use the BR" -- WRONG! Try to detail your awnser give supporting reasons
BR you dont include jumping if i had a choice br or ar bith half sheild and enemies rushing in ill take br
AR is for BAMFs like me. It stands for anal rape, cuz that's exactly what you'll be doing to any little pussies trying to get up in your face. BR stands for baffled retard, kids that use this are known to have small dicks and their balls have receded into their body.
I swear I've seen this exact thread and/or poll like 20 times. Do we not have anything better to talk about?
I DISrespectfully disagree, AR stands for Assclown rodeo, while BR stands for many things, examples being Butt Rape, Bitch Ripper, Bum Rammer, and nooB Relief, among many others. Skill with the BR is a deciding factor in any competitive halo. And that would be a No.
BR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because it's a great Noob pawner and it's a good all around weapon
I liked using the Assault Rifle when I first got Halo 3. As you get better, you find yourself putting it down more. It doesn't make it bad. I prefer the BR now, but don't bash the AR just because you don't use it. Mind you, whenever I go into a team Slayer BR game, as soon as I spawn I hear nearly everyone else on my team switch to their AR. Is it because they're going to use it, is it because they're gonna trade it out for a different weapon, or is it just habit? It's weird though, seeing as everyone hates the Assault Rifle...
I was thought that the AR was built for the newbies in halo3 and the BR was for the ones who were skilled in BR. But every time no matter what if there were a AR and a BR next to each other, I would always pick up the BR
I will put down the assault rifle every time for the BR. It is just simply better. Plus its not that hard to use.
Of course the BR! Takes ALOT more skill, and you don't have to actually wait to get up close and shoot. It is also somewhat fun to use.
Sorry to "disobey", so to say, your rules but you can't vote which one is better considering they are used for two complete different things. The AR, yes is used for close-range combat obviously. And that's your problem. The AR completely annihilates the BR when coming to up-close and personal. While the BR is strong long range and still maintains it's vulnerability in close-range, but AR still wins up top. Even if your first time playing Halo 3, people can still win simply by using the AR. If used correctly, it can overpower a lot of weapons. The BR however, can sometimes overachieve a victory against an AR from long-distance; depending on how good you are with it. Not all people that play Halo are that good with the BR, it takes skill to 4-shot someone and not all people can do that. The BR is only good, if the player knows "wisely" how to use it.
BR of course. The Battle rifle is just more reliable. It can get kills in a number of situations while the AR really is only good for close up, and even then its only good for lowering your opponts shields beforeyou melee them in the face.