Now Avilable For Download: Aquarius This strange Forerunner structure seems to have little purpose. However open access areas and constant maintence seem to indicate that this automated equipement serves an important service on the halo. At the same time its layout make for a easly defendable outpost for anyone trying to gain a foothold on the ring, making this a rather strange place for sudden outbreaks of combat. Aquarius is a three pointed map set in the lagoon of Forge World. It was created for smaller scale Slayer/Objective map for bouth Team and Free For All Gametypes. Creating this map started with a few random placed buildings and evolved into a Complex Structure. Open areas on the outer edges and on bottom and top with extreme close combat in the center allow Vaired Combat feel to the map. Weapons and even Armor Abilitys appear on this map in many locations and a Falcon appears in team battles. Inspiration from Acension and Guardian From H2 and H3 Respectivly. This maps structure allow for team battles with 3 teams of 5 for extremely Chaotic Fights in Bouth slayer and Neutral Objective Gametypes. Point One of the outerstructure contain a Small version of a Tower of Power as the spawn and Base Location for the Red Team. the Center of the dish also contains a Active Camo power-up for gametypes that allow it. it offers a location that can be defended from direct assults but is open to long range sniping. in Bomb and CTF gametypes you will find that its isloation makes it bouth easy and difficult to defend, as getting into the base simply requires jumping from the upper sections into the dish. that said getting out is a climb and a half to the other 2 points that takes you through areas with amble locations for a ambush. Point Two is the Blue Teams version of Point 1 and serves as their base in Objective game types. As the Image above shows its is very open by compairison but has 2 major access points. the 2 Plasma cannons while not as effective as the Machiene gun allow a group to lock down the base to short range attacks and invaders but the entire base is open to sniping from across the walkways. in Objective it is difficult to reach but easy to escape creating a diffrent effectivness for Assult and CTF. in assult getting your bomb to this base will be a minor challenge but once its in there you will be golden usally. in CTF getting to the base and getting to the flag can be difficult but escaping is realitivly easy as all you usually need to do is jump down. Point Three Contains an additonal Base For Neutral Objective gametypes and fourms the third Corner of the map. In two team matches it serves as neutrel ground that is more open than the Central areas. For Three team matches it lacks the Gun Emplacements but is far more Enclosed and easly defendable from long range attacks. In addition this is where the Falcon spawns in team games so in two team games will see some groups heading straight for this area. The base in this location supports Multi flag CTF and Assult but is best played when used with Neutral versions of those gametypes. The Falcon only spawns in team battles. Center of the map is a Nexus of rooms and passeges ripe for assassinations and sneak attacks. This zone contains many Routes to the Three Points of the map and are likley to be the site of many Feirce battles. This section also contains most of the Power weapons of the map as well as most of the additonal Armor abilitys. while outside paths are avilable they will leave you rather open making the center the safest route in some situations. be warned tho, this place is likley to be a haven for zombies. Weapons on the Map: Power Weapons = x1 / 1 Max @ 60 Sec Respawn Sniper Rifle Spartan Laser Focus Rifle Plasma Launcher Lesser Power Weapons = x1 / 2 Max @ 45 Sec Respawn Gravity Hammer Energy Sword Shotgun Gernade Launcher Cuoncussion Rifle Minor Weapons = Vaired Locations and number on map / 12 max @ 30 Sec Respawn DMR Magnum Assult Rifle (15 Second Respawn / 2 Spawn Locations) Plasma Repeater (15 Second Respawn / 2 Spawn Locations) Needle Rifle Needler Plasma Pistol Plasma Rifle Spiker Gernades = 32 Max + Vaired Spawn locations on map Turrents = (Team Gametypes only) 1 Mounted Machinegun @ 50 Second Respawn 2 Plasma Turrents @ 60 Second Respawn Vechicles = (Team Gametypes only) 1 Falcon @ 3 Minute Respawn Listed gametypes suggested Neutral Gametyes suggested with Three Teams this is the first map i am posting on Forge Hub and another will be posted quite soon. comments & Suggetions about the map are suggested. Design aimed for gameplay rather than astetics and is the first Halo Reach map i have made. inital Ground work started on launch day. Pre released on Bungie Fourms and Gamefaqs. map has been updated since that release so download this version for the Final Variant. do mind lack of spell check as i have yet to download IEspell. Doing that now. All Images Provided Curturesy of ImageShack®