Aqua [Racetrack] [I am thinking about different names] So this is Aqua! It is a racetrack set around the island of forgeworld. So far it has just a few turns and only one jump. The starting hill The water turn The "Split" jump The open area A different angle of the same area The twisty turn The new twisty turn, plus the rock hoop and another turn. There are 3 man cannon boosters so far, to help make the race more fun and give people behind the leader a chance.
Nice. Smooth, and great use of geometry. Don't see that an awful lot with race tracks. You also said that there were mancannon boosters? Every time I encounter those, it always launches me a tiny bit in the air and then causes me to roll, thus making me even farther behind. I hope yours don't have the same problem.
They work fine, but if someone hits the edge of them (The lip thing on the sides) they can roll. It just adds to the excitement and makes things a little more difficult. [They launch you forward, and maybe an inch or two upwards by accident] Thanks! [br][/br]Edited by merge: I added new pictures.