I don't really care, I don't think I'm going to get one. I'm happy with mine, there really is no need for another better one when i don't even have that much music.
Vista has given me nothing but trouble. At this point it won't allow my computer to properly shut down.... I'm considering reverting back to XP. On the note of apple products, I just bought a new 32 gig touch, and is it sexy. I have about 12 movies stored on it already and the picture looks beautiful. The only problem right now is that there aren't any cases available for them....and I'm afraid of dropping or scratching the thing. I couldn't be happier with it, especially since my last ipod was a 20 gig 3rd gen (prior to a color screen)....and it got about 20 minutes of battery life. I just kept calling apple every day until they said they had some in stock. One day I got lucky and ran over there after work. You'll just have to be patient. It's worth the wait.
Apple went down the tubes when they released the iPhone. They haven't been able to get back on track since then. And this is coming from me. I was born with a one-button mouse in my hand!