MLG Apogee

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by tallon, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. tallon

    tallon Ancient
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    Hi guys,

    While taking a break from Halo I played B.O. for awhile and I thought it would be cool to play some of my favorite CoD maps on Halo since I liked Halo a lot more just not it's maps. I've noticed that someone had made a Nuketown remake so I thought I'd take a stab at Summit.

    I tried my best to recreate the feel of the map Summit with the same jumps, shortcuts, etc. Some things just aren't that easy to do in forge especially when you always run out of objects long before you run out of money then you have to finish the map with what you have. I felt that some roofs were not needed anyway and the map turned out good regardless of some buildings not being exactly the way they are in Summit.

    There is only one way on top of the small tower outside (by going on the ledge inside the research facility) just like in Summit. This is where I chose to place a sniper rifle.

    This is a competitive map with DMR's and needle rifles's on the map, one sniper and one shotgun. Frags and Plasma's around the map. It can be Played on Slayer, CTF, KOTH, Oddball, Assault and Territories.

    I have been working on the map for a week whenever I had the time so I can't say how long it took exactly. After finishing most of the map I took a few days tweaking it, paying attention to small details, making sure you can't get to places where you aren't supposed to be, etc. I didn't have any help making this map.

    #1 tallon, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2011
  2. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Well this is one of those maps that looks so good I have to download it and have a look... :)

    After having a look, the map certainly has its own unique feel, definitely doesn't feel like most Halo maps which is good considering this is a CoD remake. However, you could probably do with tweaking some of your respawn points (try not to let players spawn facing walls, ledges they can fall off, or directly into high traffic areas. Also, it took me a good 15 minutes of searching to find the Sniper, and having a main power weapon that far out of the way (and damn near inaccessible without Jetpack or Sprint) seems like a bad idea. You also need to fix the respawn times for power weapons, currently they spawn every 30 seconds which is usually too high.

    Also, an aesthetic issue. There's a ton of z-fighting on a lot of surfaces, ugly flickering that occurs when two textures are perfectly even. You might want to considering raising and lowering certain surfaces by a pixel or two to stop this from happening.

    Other than that, it seems great. Looks like a good SWAT map. :)

    EDIT: Also, this map's in the wrong section. Unless you intended for it to be played specifically with MLG gametypes, then you'll want this to be moved to Competitive.
    #2 MattKestrel, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2011
  3. tallon

    tallon Ancient
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    Yea the tower outside with the sniper, there's only one way to get to it and in b.o. it seems like most people don't know about it, either. (minus the sniper)
    Maybe I made a mistake on putting it there but I thought it was a good idea at the time.
    I also didn't want it to be more accessible by one team than the other. I actually wasn't going to put one in 'til I thought of that so it's not really a big deal if no one uses it. Why snipe unless you're in that spot, anyway.

    I didn't know you had to have uneven walls in order to not have issues :\ If I knew that I wouldn't have everything so perfect lol. well that's lame
    I guess I thought the flickering was less annoying than unevenness, and I didn't get any lag from it.

    Also, I prefer to play mlg that's why I did it.

    Thanks for your comments :)
    #3 tallon, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2011

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