Map Name: Apex Author Gamertag: Wraith2098 Tags BLUEPRINT, APEX, WRAITH2098, BTB Screenshots (Yes that Wraith splattered a Banshee) Description: Apex is my first go at a Forge Island map. I used the entire large island to create a very large vehicle heavy experience. The map is mostly flat, but there is a lot of cover for infantry and easy driving paths for all vehicles. 14-16 players recommended. Other Notes: Initial Ordnance: (1)Rocket Launcher 180s (2)Sniper Rifles 180s (1)Shotgun (1)Concussion Rifle (4)Frag Grenades 90 respawn Random Ordnance: SAW, Sticky Det, Shotgun, Railgun Needler, Scattershot, Concussion Rifle Energy Sword Railgun SAW Supports Vehicles: Yes (2) Chain Hogs (60s) (1) Rocket Hogs (120s) (1) Mantis (180s) (2) Mongoos (45s) (1) Banshee (180s) (2) Wraith (180s) Power Ups on map: N Armor Abilities on map: N Budget Used: 9955
I don't know why this map hasn't received more attention! It looks great! I really like the design of the opposing bases, they same easily defendable, but with multiple entrances to be attacked from. It's not often that I can get a customs lobby with 14+ people in it, but I'll definitely give this a download with the hopes to play some games on it soon! -Hydrolysis