Aperture is not like most tracks, its takes much more skill being the fact that it is not double wide. It is a single wide track featuring numerous bank turns, a never upside-down corkscrew, and a cheat proof checkpoint/start. Overview: Cheat proof start P1: Cheat proof start P2: Cheat proof start final: Lazy S turn: Large bank: Straight away/ never upside-down corkscrew: Jump over track + VIP checkpoint: Bouncy tunnel: Ending run: YouTube - Aperture debut Download Aperture here: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
banked turns? all i see is some curved walls. and tracks are not double wide for difficulty, they are for fairness and ease of drifting. on this track im not sure you can drift. im sorry but i just cant download after getting dream's newest track a couple days ago. for future tracks, try a double widde original layout, like maybe find a way to do a loop de loop and set it up for battle tracks.
Id suggest changing the name when you hopefully make a v2 about what he said^^^^^^^ because there was a featured map a while ago on here lol but the map looks decent, but sorry, no dl
Double tracks mak it easier to pass your opponent, but not having them makes it a bit harder. You shouldv've interlocked the racetrack, make a v2 and I'll DL it.
Its just it, its really not intended for battle tracks or anything like that. Its supposed to just be hard to finish. There was? .............. Could that get me into any trouble?
This comes up a lot on this board. This map is not a racetrack, it is a roller coaster. This exonerates it from having to have all the things a BT or RT must have. Nice job it looks pretty fun. I usually don't DL roller coasters though. I might check it out.
Try a double wide layout with constantly interlocked walls. Nothing in this is interlocked. It's more like a Quantum as in it looks like it's very hard to beat it just once. Also, you can't RACE on a single wide track. EVERYONE IS GOING TO FALL OFF THE EDGE. I'll be generous by giving this a 2/5.
Try a double wide layout with constantly interlocked walls. Nothing in this is interlocked. It's more like a Quantum as in it looks like it's very hard to beat it just once. Also, you can't RACE on a single wide track.