APD You have a life sentence to hell... if you last that long! APD is an abandoned prison where a worldwide zombie infestation has finally reached. Will you and you inmates survive? With simplistic rooms, an open courtyard, and a roofless third floor, your best bet is to distance yourself from your new brain eating parol officers. Apd is a 3 story building (Not counting the rooftop catwalk) based around the infection gametype but also boasts FFA style oddball and slayer. The map has an open courtyard that provides little cover but puts distance between you and your enemies. the second floor provides instant access to the rooftop and some cover from the walls inside. The cherry on the sundae is the rooftop floor wit a catwalk. This makes for a good spot for the inmates to hide but has easy access from different angles making it harder to defend. Shotgun-2 Carbine-3 Flamethrower-1 SMG-4 Mauler-2 Spiker-4 AR-1 Tripmine-1 Deployable cover-3 Flare-1 Second floor screenshot Second Floor screenshot 2 This is the view of the building from the outside. This is the rooftop floor and catwalk. This is my first map on forge hub and I hope you enjoy it. If you do download it please leave feedback so I can make a better V2. Download Map Here Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
you shpuld have more weapons so with more players more defense with weapons in V2. so less players get infected.
is there ne interlocking in this map cuz if not. it greatly sways peoples choice on downloading the map. id consider interlocking in V2
Look, I really like your idea, and I like the different floors, but... (uh oh heres a but) Theres barely any interlocking from what I can see ( yes i can see the bridges) and it seems very bare. allmost like you could just shoot the zomies as they came, or the zombies could just run at you with no problems in their way. A zombie map needs a little more substance. I hate to nag people because then they think I'm mean, and trust me I havn't made a good zombie map ever (exept for my Sandtrap one and I just got lucky) so I appreciate your try. I'm looking for you to do a V2 for me so you can prove to me you can forge and then rub my nose in it. Feel free to send me a private message doing so. Happy Forging! Sorry I'm a butthead -Zachary9990
I understand your consern about the interlocking. I guesse from what you can see, it does not look interlocked. But all the doubleboxes that make up the building are interlocked. Sorry if it is a bad job though, this is practically my first attempt at forging. May i also apologize for my crapy spelling.