Hey everybody, haven't talked to many of you in ages. I wanted to share a few pieces from my collection for my art class. Please tell me what you think of my drawings Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
Way beyond anything I could draw by hand. Some advice I would offer is to work on composition. Know what I mean?
Someone's influenced by Dali Looks pretty good though. I would agree on the composition comment. Think more about how the piece fits together. Make it so it has a strong focal point so the eye doesn't tend to wander.
Weed is fine. You've been licking toads havn't you. Toads, exactly. The environment within the first drawing is absolutely superb, it could have ended up being a fantastic landscape piece, until you threw in some MDMA to the equation.
The last one is sweet. I would definitely hang that in my room! The thoughts of them are so sweet. I like your work
Some weird **** you have here man. I don't usually like pieces like these, but I can definitely tell you that these are pretty good.