Im not sure why I like this. It has no stick out feature, and almost everybody says the spawns are iffy. But what sells the map for me is the video. That shows how good a map can be even with doubters everywhere, all you need is visual proof. It seems like fun for 1v1, and will try with other gametypes when i get the chance. For now you,sir, get a 4.5/5 P.S.( good choice of music for the video, Welcome Home is a great song!) Cheers! Desert Rat 852
lolololol, typoes =P Anyway, I didn't anticipate this map would be released yet, but great job man! (Reason I didn't anticipate, was because of the colab contest by dom) I have to download so I can see what you've done, from what I remember, it looks like you made a few changes, like the stairbridge, I don't recall seeing that in the preview I got ages ago... Anyways, one thing I like in particular about your post, is the video, exceptionally short, I'm assuming you just wanted it done ;P, but I like the shortness, you just went ahead, and gave a show of the map, and that's all you really need.
I love the way you have scenery behind fence walls etc, it's the sort of thing you see on official halo 3 maps. I possibly would have expected more long range weapons for those open spaces and maybe a larger range of weapons all together. But i'll take your word for it about the gameplay.
this is a very well constructed map looks very professional and clean. There isn't any memorable or unique structure as far as i can tell, but it looks like a lot of fun to play on.
I downloaded and I'm not sure what I think. I mean I still think the scenery looks pretty sweet but other than the area that has the upside-down stairs bridge, theres nothing really too exciting about the map. it's just some big open hallways.
K, downloaded it, and I realized that it's an entirely different map then the one I was thinking (or is it ? ). Anyways, from what I saw, the map is epic...The one thing I really didn't like though what that just...I don't know...didn't fit or something =/ anyways, 9/10 great job man.
I know texy! Anyways i will half to invite you to show you my new map ive been working on like cxrazy while i was was on vacation also There is anoher stair struckture in it and i made it flawless this time around the big old boat! :s
another great map blood, i love the stairs used as a little bridge/arch, i like the whole asymetrical design, i played some ctf and the map,and it felt and played great, great job.
looks really good. ill download it and give it a try but all those weapons unable to get would really piss me off in a game lol
Thanks man! I really messed up and the stair bridge thow and i hopefully improved it this time in my new map you saw Anyways thanks all
Wow, completely awesome map! I love those weapons and vehicles that taunt you. It makes you think "If I had that right now I would PwN so many n00bz!" Great map Blood!
*SEIZURE* ow! No but really this map is so far one of the best I have seen in a while. Kudos to you. P.S. I got here from that guy that posts worst map ever so he's helping you out! = )
once again blood fire, you made a perfect gameplap map! you are such a good forger! keep up the good work