So I'm curious how to set up Area of Effect zones like Safe Havens and Hills that change player traits. I know how to set up a Safe Have, but how could I in a Slayer map? Set it up so one zone is low gravity (like Anchor 9) or special player traits, invincibility, damage changes, speed, etc (like Safe Havens), you know?
Slayer can't have a hill object of any type (KotH hill, save haven, Territory), sorry. There is not settings menu for it in the custom game options.
You can give flag carriers specific traits, but there aren't any AOE modifiers in CTF. Likewise, there can't be any flags in KoTH or Territories.
You could try to set up KotH for what you're looking for. In Halo 3 I tried to recreate a death barrier (Since none existed in Halo 3) And raised the level I made and created a hill on the floor so if you fell off it would result in a waypoint on your face, slow movement, heavy gravity, and you would die instantly... Pretty much free points for whoever spots you and kills you first.. I also set kill points to 1 each time you got a kill, and hill points to zero. Although I haven't peeked at the options for KotH on Reach, I'm sure the same options apply. You could setup hills wherever on your map for your low gravity and set the hill time points to zero and the kill points to one. It's worth a try?
What I was really looking for is so one team can't cause damage in on area, and the other in another area. Any ideas?