Anyone with 'Sandbox' in a forgers-block?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Midnite Haze, Apr 5, 2009.


Anyone with 'Sandbox' in a forgers-block?

  1. Yes, join the club

    7 vote(s)
  2. Nope, ur just weird

    3 vote(s)
  3. Well, ive had less ideas than b4

    1 vote(s)
  4. Im making diffrent styles of maps than b4 (symmetrical, Racetracks etc.)

    1 vote(s)
  1. Midnite Haze

    Midnite Haze Ancient
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    I recently won the mythic maps in a contest, and the first thing i did was to check out the layout of the orginal maps. I did that, then went looking for the skulls, then made an empty version of every map.

    When i got sandbox empty i just thought "OMG IMMAH FORGE BEST MAP" but when i got into forge... i froze, looking at all the objects u can forge with. Now i cant think of anything to forge (im not asking for suggestions). I used to be all "well if i had this in forge i would make this and that" Does anyone else have this? or is it just me and im just weird.
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I know what you mean. I think it's partly due to the object selection being so varied and wide, but a lot to do with it being so plain. The Crypt is pretty much like Foundry, but at least the partial default geometry in Foundry gave you some kind of inspiration to work with. Even in the Crypt I still find myself feeling more lost than I did with Foundry. The ground floor is where this factor really begins to show though. You've just got a flat space, and coming up with somewhere to start effectively can be a little daunting. But by far the most prominent level here is the Sky Bubble. You warp in as the monitor and you've got nothing, nada, squat. Not even a floor, just an endless expanse of daunting grid to look at and think "hmm, what do I do now?"

    But I think the strongest message that comes out of this is one that people like Shock have been pushing for a while now. Plan, plan and plan some more before you even load up a canvas. With the in-game editor nature of Forge, along with the variety of either exciting or daunting objects you have to work with (depending on how you look at it), the danger that's always been present in Forge just got a lot bigger. That is, being drawn off the real design track by thoughts of cool objects, wanting to work them in to your map in some way, or wanting to build a certain kind of structure for personal interest terms. Now that sounds like a put-down, but it isn't. I get exactly the same thing affecting me when I load up a canvas, and it was pretty much all that went through my mind not so long ago when Forging.

    But seriously, I'd really say it's worth at least having a go with Google Sketchup. With the awesome Sandbox Canvas model which that friendly butterfly lady made for us (I forget her exact name, but she is awesomesauce), we've got a great headstart when it comes to using Sketchup for planning. It's not for everyone, and loading up Sketchup for the first time is even more daunting than a blank Sky Bubble. But it's so worth trying, as it's not only the single best resource for designing maps, but also helps you step back and look at things from a design perspective. If you plan a map fully before you even start, you'll load up that canvas on the important first Forge and know exactly what you're doing straight off, but also (more importantly) exactly where you're going and how to get there. Sure it's always an option to go off your plan, nothing makes you rethink certain Sketchup choices like a reality check in the form of good ol' Forge mode, and this is not a bad thing. But having a good plan done before you start Forging, one that you can actually see in 3D form with the help of Sketchup, not only helps you overcome that initial "what now?" feeling, but also keeps you focused on the final product throughout the Forge. It may not work for you, to each his own, but you should seriously consider giving it a try.
  3. used man

    used man Ancient
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    You should just make a few really crappy novelty maps to get acquainted with the items. The first maps that I made were an air vehicle only map and one with the defenders on top of a cliff and the attackers at the bottom.
  4. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Pegasi, epic post is epic. After reading what you said , I realized you hit the nail on the head. I have a relatively good idea, but when I began making it, I was like where do I make it? Which part should I start on?

    @ Midnite Haze:

    I don't really have a block, but I am jumbled. I have many ideas, but I don't know how to execute them.
  5. Halostar317

    Halostar317 Ancient
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    I was trying to find the words to say and a forge block was it.

    I have made one T&M map and thats it.
  6. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    Spaceship? (Sky Bubble)
    Air ship?
    Naval Sea Battle? (Sky Bubble)
    Team Castles?
  7. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I had forge's block yeaterday, but now I don't as much. What got rid of the block for me was building a BIG ramp from block huge's and ramp, large's on top. Then put a big pile of fusion coils underneath. It takes a while, but 'tis fun.
  8. theheat

    theheat Ancient
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    My forger's block is a little different then yours (and most I'm pretty sure). I always have ideas for structures and usually entire maps. I just grab my scribbler with all my map ideas (nerdy but awesome idea and works so well) and look through it. I currently have 5 maps in it that are unbuilt (other than 2 which I have built 1 structure in each). If I'm in the mood to forge then I'll go and forge away at a map plan that I've already thought through and designed to be a great map. Then there are those days where I just don't want to forge. Those times I generally have awesome ideas for maps and I just draw more.

    If your wondering how I use my scribbler and why then I'll explain here, otherwise don't bother reading this paragraph. I first got my idea for my forge scribbler from my chemistry class. In chem class we use a scribbler for our labs, the formal write-up is on the right hand side pages, all notes and marks on the left hand side. What I do is I have my map drawings on my right side, usually being floor specific, or insanely obvious to the vertical layout. Ill mark weapons by the first letter of their names ('R' for rockets, 'S' for sniper). On the left side I list all the details about the map including Name, base map, theme, power weapons, gametypes, symmetry, description and any symbols I used in my drawing to denote something I can't draw (grav lifts, stairs). The first page is just a table of contents with the page numbers and what map is on that page listed. The scribbler is very cheap, works very well, and is professional looking, its a great idea if you are overwhelmed or just suck at using sketch-up like me.

    NUKEZILLA Ancient

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    yeah i cant make any maps now. but imma making a dead space map on orbital so i guess its cool
  10. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Scientific studies have actually shown that the more choices people have, the less likely they are to actually make a decision.

    Personally, I haven't had enough time to bring the majority of my ideas to fruition, and probably won't be able to get started on anything until summer break.

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