OK im looking for someone who would like to co-forge with me. i desire to make an invasion map that preferably plays CTF aswell. If this person has a capture card/ image editing software that would be great. just drop a comment below if you want to. btw, dont direct me to forgemates, i know where and what it is... thanks guys
Sup berb, ive played on ur maps; and uve played on mine, and i oersonally think our styles would blend pretty well together. Ill hapily co-forge with you, sometime this weekend maybe??!?
If you still have time, I was toying with the idea of a 4v4 invasion map, and it could probably be set up for some kind of CTF variant as well.
Id be down too, 4v4 invasion map would be kind of slow on kills because of how big the map would be for 3 different parts and vehicle spawns.