I mean we're all here because we love to make maps and share our creations with others. Is anyone thinking about going into game design? It is a possible career I have been thinking about for a while now.
I'm actually planning on it. I'm going to major in computers and such, and my dad could help me get into a good college because he's worked in a few...
Im going this summer to a college course that about game deisgn. I'll be designing my own FPS. Well, its not definite yet. My parents arent sure they want to send me... but its still cool and I'm hoping to go.
I'm definatly going in to game design. I've been planning around it for quite a while actually. So yeah. If it's something you enjoy, then try it out.
I'm actually majoring in software applications and programming, with a minor in creative writing. When I get my masters degree, I'm gonna apply to either Epic Games, Bethesda, or Bungie.
I've been to a few camps. I've made countless games, 2d and 3d and yet, I have never really thought about doing it for monies. I guess I'm worried about the pay. Anyone got any statistics on that?
I've been studying programming in my spare time in hopes of becoming an AI programmer for, yeah, games.
You should never not do something because of the money, or even do it for that matter. Do what you love, period the end. As for me, no, it has crossed my mind at times but no. Maybe one day I'll be hired to do in-game cinematics or be like Steven Speilburg and produce games... But game design is not for me.
The Game Industry Salary Survey 2007 - GameCareerGuide.com 73,000 is average. I'm currently in school for "Game Art." Year and a half into the two and a half year program.
I wouldn't like using code and stuff, but I would like to build the environments. However, I don't see myself being successful in it.
I would like to be a 'creative director', but I don't think it actually exists. And most games I would make would be too 'niche market-y'.
Yeah I am looking to, im gonna go to college and study computing then go to the uni in my town probally, it was the first uni in the uk to start studying game design so yeah its gun be gud
I like the creativity side, but I can see myself filming cutscenes etc, in games and maybe working choreography. That is if I ever go into game design, which I probably won't. However, I am seriously considering going into Civil Engineerng, which is designing buildings and structures for local authorities.
I've always wanted to go into gaming and I've always wanted to go into level design. Mor eon the multiplayer side then Single Player. BTW, from what I've researched, it's better if you build up a portfolio if you want to get into game design. They'd be more likely to hire you if you have modded games before or something to that degree. And again, from what I learned, unless you want to be on the technical aspects, the computing isn't as handy as you'd think it is. Better to just do a lot of small time mods and then make a bigger one.
Actually im trying to take college classes at WPI (Worcester Polytech Institute) and go into either Game Design or Engineering. Science and Math geeks FTW!
Even though i won't be old enough for college until 6 years from now, I'm thinking of either acting (Like movies and TV stuff) or Game Design I'm gonna make a kick-awesome FPS
Actually hoping to be Concept Artist. Plan to go to college for this goal. But if all else fails, possible Web-Designer, which i'm taking classes for already. Iv'e also screw around on that Bungie customize the theme thing. I'll post the link to the thread when I find it, or if anybody else has it. EDIT: Here's the link to the Theme thing. ThemeThing (We could get the the theme code for this site, and hold a contest for best theme presentation) <-- Just Kidding
yeah i am thinking about it. right now i use programs like blender to learn how to model and add logic switchs and java script just for fun but someday might be able to use it in a carrer