ok does anyone have any clue or idea on how to access the pelican on forge mode (not theater). Me and my friends "forge buddy's" have tried numerous times, and without any luck we usually get a 'urrghh' from the spartan/elite or a KABOOM from the monitor. So any one that knows or thinks they know could you please post.
Until we find a way to completely bypass the death zones you wont be able to get to the Pelican sorry.
I heard there was a way to throw a teleporter out there or something. And if you do it right you can teleport out there but you can do nothing but look around or you'll die. I mean, I don't know for sure, but I've seen screenshots and stuff of people out there.
Yes you can! you can stop trying on rats nest and go to foundry, download coolant93's pelican and there you go! Or you can go to the level of halo and at the beggining you can get in the pelican! I got so exited when I knew this! I didnt know we could be and move inside! *Ahem, sarcasm* But now seriously, if you buy a new xbox and mod it Im pretty sure you can but don't tell anyone. Lol
No you can, I saw a video of a guy doing it, tried it myself and got there. I'll see if I can find it.
yeh i've done this before all you need to do is spawn a sender node and set it to 1. then spawn a reciever node and get as close to the barrier as possible. When youre close enough, use the right trigger to pushe the node as far as you can until it bypasses the elastic barrier and goes on top of the pelican. then have someone stand in the sender node and change the receiver nodes channel to 1. If you did it right the human is alive on the pelican. note that he has to be in human form and can't move or he dies, This technique can get you into any deathbarrier in any map