Anyone read the weekly update?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Moshin Joshn, Mar 28, 2009.

  1. Moshin Joshn

    Moshin Joshn Ancient
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    Vessel? Seriously?

    There are so many better maps than vessel. Just in case you havnt read it is on and it is basically a box floating in the skybox with a raised middle. I'm not saying that they should have chosen mine (though i do like mine better) i just think that there are so many better sandbox maps on here than that.

    For example, Element by lightsout, betwissive, and a whole bunch of others. Anyone else agree?
  2. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    It's internally made, or at least I think it is.
    Bungie like to add their own content into the game and besides, it looks of better quality to that of what they have made before. Give them a break, employees are entitled to some fun as well.

    Over time I'm sure that they'll add some custom content into the Sandbox varients.
  3. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    *Slap* do some research before calling the waahmbulance.

    The maps they have been talking about over the past few weeks were made before Sandbox was released to the public. They are made by Bungie employees and have been planned to be put into MM for weeks. These are not maps which have been submitted to Atlas or maps which the community has made.

    I think its a good idea that Bungie is putting more variants of Sandbox in to MM. The maps they've chosen aren't complicated and they're good ideas for 'amateur forges' to see how to set up and put together their own maps.
  4. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    In the update, Bungie pointed out that the opening salvo of custom maps comes from within their own studios. They go on to say that they are depending on US "for the next salvo."
    Translation for dumbheads: The custom Sandbox maps we've seen so far have been from Bungie. They have been deliberately selected because they are made by staff members. After Bungie releases these maps they will be choosing and releasing user content.
  5. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    These have all been made internally. By Bungie's workers. Of course they take precedence over an average community member's map: they've earned that perk. Hopefully eventually we will be able to go into every playlist and be able to choose from tons of custom maps.
  6. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    And maybe next time you'll keep your mouth shut before you start bitching about a map that you haven't even played yet. It's people like you that serve as a beacon to all the Halo playing community that think we at Forge Hub are a bunch of elitist jerks.
  7. SaiyanForce

    SaiyanForce Ancient
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    Hey guys, let's be thankful, at least it isn't Smashed...
  8. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    You are not the first to be complaining about this. Bungie chooses these maps to go in because they know that they will play smoothly and it will be fair. Now there are other maps that the fans make that are better, but bungie doesnt want to pick them out.
  9. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I think they just like to pull out the unnoticeable things... idk why.
  10. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Some maps which may look pretty, simply don't play as well as they look. So while many people feel that some maps are more "worthy" than others, they fail to take into account gameplay, spawns, and durability.

    So unless you're a professional in the business, I'd suggest not complaining. Rather, I'd be taking notes.
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    ^ Words of wisdom right there. Even if you're not in the business it doesn't take a genius to work out that maps can be judged properly only truly after extended amounts of varied playtesting and real games. This is where the details such as deeper map design, and indeed spawns, weapons and durability, come in to play, lord knows the Staff here have pushed the point enough about our own Features, but still the site is abound with complaints.

    Think about it this way, all we have is the pictures of the map in the update. Aside from aesthetic maps (and even then, people have been breaking down this barrier as well of late) are meant to be played, not looked at in pwetty pictures. And since the map isn't even out yet, what you're saying would be classed on FH as a Bad Review. Count yourself lucky that Bungie could not even begin to deal with the complaints based on pictures that we try to discourage as much as we can on FH, or you'd likely receive a message from a Bungie Mod along the lines of: You have been infracted for a Bad Review, please download and play before rating.

    I'm not saying it will be good, specifically not saying that in fact. Doing so would be just the same as what's being said here, that the map is bad, when you haven't even played it yet. Let's just wait and see before passing judgement, hmm?
    #11 Pegasi, Mar 31, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2009
  12. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Seriously, the map looks fine, and many of the maps mentioned in this thread as better candidates have problems of their own. Bungie knows what Bungie wants in a map, and this one looks like it will deliver what I want too, if I had to judge based on screens alone.

    Most of the Sandbox maps posted so far abuse the falling death of the sky bubble by making it too easy to fall off, abuse the tubes to create choke points that aren't fun to play with, or consist of a couple platforms with cover placed on them rather than actually having interesting structures. Vessel does not have excessive tubing to navigate, and it doesn't have edges everywhere you can fall off of, so it is already a top 30% Sandbox map before I even play it.
  13. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I kinda knocked judging on pics alone, and whilst I stand by the solid belief that it doesn't tell you what a map really plays like, your point here shows that at least some real conclusions can be drawn in part from pics. "and this one looks like it will deliver what I want too, if I had to judge based on screens alone" <- this pretty much makes my point for me. Pics don't tell you nearly everything, but you can at least get a feel for the map in some respects.

    And you're right about the Sandbox Forging traps that are going around at the moment, overuse of the death drop aspect in a way which is frustrating for those who didn't Forge the map (is it just me that sees how, when you build a map, you're obviously going to find it quite a lot easier to stay on than a random player? Some people just refuse to look at their maps from a random player perspective, and expect everyone to look at it and know it in the same way as they do in their position of designer and creator), as well as the lack of practical and flowing design. Now, Vessel doesn't look massively interesting from the pics, but the pro's you drew up are bang on if you ask me. Simple but effective is actually a lot harder than it's given credit for, and this mentality seems to be going further and further as people abandon simplicity on this basis. To be really effective and simple, spawns, weapons and layout must be bang on, and whilst this doesn't look like a revolutionary map by any means, I'd rather have a somewhat dull map with precise and refined game mechanics (as has been said so often, spawning is the hardest and most important factor here) than a fancy one which played like crap.

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