That bungie is being lazy or hasn't been finding any good maps after ours? I mean like the videos like 1/5 of them are good, And the gametypes theres only 1? The maps seem boring also.
Yea, bungie favorites suck about 75% of the time. I guess they're too busy making game updates and DoubleEXPWeekend playlists to care about which maps/gametypes/pics/vids they post to best represent their community. Honestly, last week there was a vid of a guy getting five kills with a laser. One was a vehicle double kill and the other three were guys walking around in the open. I guarantee I've done the same thing about 10 times over. I guess popping into one of the purple rooms in construct, getting a last second bulltrue laser kill on the sword guy, retreating and throwing a nade into the room for a double kill, then popping back into the room and lasering the final enemy for a triple kill, and finally getting teamkilled by a poorly thrown grenade after cleaning out the whole other team, is inferior to some guy standing behind a rock on valhalla and blasting easy targets. Then again, I never posted my vid on my fileshare, so who knows?...
gee wizz I never got round to posting for our selection I have that spike nade through bubble thing EDIT: