Introduction anyone need help?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by OnlyMaximumv, Apr 26, 2008.


how helpfull was this

  1. Very helpfull

  2. uh so so

  3. this made it worse

  1. OnlyMaximumv

    OnlyMaximumv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome new (or old) members:D
    I am sorry to say that few peoples first map post goes well. Mine didnt, and I am tired of seeing bad first posts where the only replys are
    "mor pics plez"
    "thiz sucs"

    So I want to put an end it once and for all!

    If you are planing to post a map for the first time PLEASE consult the how to post your map. click for the link -->HERE<-- second ask for help it is a lot easer to get help posting your map before you post then after you post. but if you follow these pointers you should have a decent chance
    1.ALWAYS HAVE PICTURES, they show your map to everyone, most people dont always read a text they just scroll down to see the pics. and if they dont see any they say "mor pix" and move on.

    to get your photos off Halo 3 go to
    your service record an
    click on screenshots
    find your screenshot and click it
    right click on the popup picture
    save as _______

    NOTE: to post pictures i recomend photobucket they make it really easy all you have to do is upload the pictures to their server
    then click on all pictures you want to put in your post
    finially copy the line in the text and paste it into your thread
    2.ALWAYS HAVE AT LEAST 5 PICTURES, as a picture says a 1000 words one or two pictures just is not enough.
    (NOTE: I prefer using it is easy to use and best of all is free)
    3.EMBED your links, this i just me but i like clean embeded links like this not they are so easy to do just type out something like Download Map, highlight it click the button that looks like a globe with a piece of chain beside it (it is underneathe the smiley face) and paste in the link over the part that says http:// and there you go a nice clean embeded link.
    4.Try to add in a mini map, basicaly it is a overview of your map they work best on very complex maps. They are very easy to make. I just use a blank foundry (or any map) like this,
    [​IMG] and just add boxes and other shapes using your favorite editing software (photoshop or microsoft paint) to make something like this map i used on my Mansion map (click on the pic to see the full post)

    I recently found a great new way to do this
    just go to this website
    and make your map it is self explanitory and when you are finished hold Alt+PrtScn (thats above the arrow keys) then open msPaint and paste it there (alt+prtscn copys the whole page) edit it there if you want and then do what you normally do to post it
    I know this is a breif explanation of what goes on around here but if anyone needs help I am always avaliable to help embed pictures or help get pictures in the first place just
    send me a Personal Message or
    contact me on xbox live (my gamertag is OnlyMaximumv)
    or email me at
    or just reply to this thread
    #1 OnlyMaximumv, Apr 26, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2008
  2. Matty

    Matty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You might wanna reword this.

    Also consider full stops.

    Thanks for bieng helpful, but its better if you structure this a bit better so its easier for new poeple to read.
  3. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Um...sure. This probably wasn't the best place to put this though.
  4. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    aww cmon y'all, the whole map thingy is helpful, i needed it :p
    BobwithHorns likes this.
  5. OnlyMaximumv

    OnlyMaximumv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    where should i have put it?
  6. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This definitly could help alot of people out, keep up the good work
  7. heelflip360

    heelflip360 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is ok, but it seems like its in the wrong forum... I don't know though. Im not a mod or anything.
  8. OnlyMaximumv

    OnlyMaximumv Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey i just updated this with some new information involving posting on and using foundry designer
  9. Alienboy117

    Alienboy117 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey, I just joined forge hub and this was exactly what I needed! Thanks!
  10. BobwithHorns

    BobwithHorns Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey this really helped allot thanks
  11. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is all great, but how do get the download link ready? By this I mean, I do not understand where and how to place a download link for my map. Does it link to my fileshare with the map? I'm hopelessly lost...
  12. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That was quite the bump there, over a year ago. actually.

    But since you need help: The download link is suppose to link to your map on your fileshare. As in do not link your fileshare. Click on your map in the fileshare and post that link. The rules are worded funny in that way.

    Helpful hint so you don't bump again: In the top left of a post is shows when it was posted. The post before you was in July of '08. Lets not do that again.

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