qft.. Anyways, you should totally get Diablo 2. I mean, it's a classic. And if you get the battle chest, you get Diablo 2, the expansion and also Diablo! It's the best bargain ever. I once played that game 4 days straight (release of the expansion) and my only friends were xXDiabloDestroyerXx, deadbaby, and my 2 friends that also played with me for those 4 days straight. That was a lot of chips, mountain dew and overcooked ramen noodles. Not to mention the 24 hours of sleep after I beat the game. Good times...
OMFGGUNBOUND I really want to install it on my compter, but my profile doesn't have the rights to install or edit the Reg. Meh. I loved playing it at my friends house. Do people still play it?
Minesweeper. Good ol classic minesweeper. or scrabble online. lulz probly not what youre looking for, but they pwn
well i like sims and simulation fames so i say the soon to be sims 3 and possibly simcity 5 if they release it. but i also like rts games, and comand and conquer red alert 3 and starwars empire at war.
I have quite a few free games that are pretty fun for a while Warsow Standalone cel-shaded quake mod Osu! Pretty much elite beat agents for PC but with a huge database of songs to download Gang Garrison Team Fortress 2 but 2D with blocky sprites Art of Theft 2D sneak game by the guy who does Zero Punctuation