I need a zipper for a photomanipulation im workin on, but so far every single one either had text over it, was a random, disrtacting color, or had a multi color backround which made it too hard to seperate from in cs3. Just post a link if you find a silver or gold one that isnt like any of the above. Thanks in advance.
i think hes looking for a picture of a zipper frag lol. I had a nice one i used for a photomanip last year. If i can find it ill post it later.
http://storage.sxc.hu/n/nk/nkzs/1122193_74343869.jpg http://storage.sxc.hu/n/nk/nkzs/1108601_18397663.jpg http://storage.sxc.hu/l/lu/lusi/721649_44141068.jpg
Each one of those links leads to a small green rectangle that says "SXC.HV" so I dont know whats wrong with them, or if its my computer but that won work lol.