Anyone have a cavas that allows you to get more out to sea in High Ground? Theres a particular map im forged HG im talking about, called "Waterworld" or something like that, that takes advantage of a glitch that allows you to be more "at sea" in high ground. Anyone has that map or similar, please direct me. Thanks, DarkBlades
No its impossible. You cant get any farther out of the sea then what it allows you, Heres a regular highground canvas though High ground canvas
No i know what he means he's simply asking if anyone knows how to break the invisible barrier. correct me if i'm wrong, but by "more out to sea" he means completely underwater, rather than just partly submerged at the beach.
oh ok well if he means that then ok, but you can go farther out, Maybe someday someone might beable to break the barrier but I truely have no clue.
It's actually quite easy to glitch out of High ground and into the deeper water, i imagine theres tutorials on how to do it on Youtube.
Waterworld is the name of a modded High Ground map...If that's what he means then don't ask for one on ForgeHub
u could try to hold a tele and save it or mayby do the turret glitch but anyway i would like it if some1 could show me a link to waterworld
Its not modded, he just glitched out of the map then set the map up out there. If you run back to shore you can't go all the way back out into the water. Its so easy to do, but if you really can't get out here is a video tutorial: Here