Well I guess you could say I haven't been too active here on forgehub recently. I guess you could say that I will be gone for a while maybe forever after this thread dies out. I have moved on to more serious map making and game design. Modding unreal tornament 3. Forge is the amatuer map maker and modding UT3 is for amatuers looking to get professional status. I had a good time here at ForgeHub but it is time to think about my future, and my professional portfolio. Anyway, I just wanted to know if other members on ForgeHub are active on other map-makers such as UT3 modding, and L4D modding. By that I don't mean are you active in the far-cry editor. Should be interesting to see what kind of feedback this thread gets. Well, I may troll some or make a short visit for ODST and reach visit. But aside from that... umm.... Goodbye.
I've been working my way to mapping for kf, which uses the UT 2004 SDK, I haven't figured much out and I'm messing with blender more. I see what you mean though. This stuff allows much more control, you can literally make ABSOLUTELY anything, it's just difficult and the layouts of the programs are intimidating at first lol.
Yes it is very confusing indeed. I like to stick to blender. Iv'e tried Maya and it is really crazy. Thank god I'm not in modeling. We're pretty serious about it. Concept artists and everything. And you can do anything but it is very limiting. Either your superman and can model, rig, animate, script, and map. Or your in a team.
Ya, I definitly won't ever be a programmer or AI engineer or anything, I can code, but bleh, I just don't feel comfertable doing it...
All the more power to you if you want to move onto more of game design through UT map making. I think it's great you feel you're moving forward in making maps and as long as you enjoy making them, it is all that really matters. Right now I wish I had a job I loved doing. Hope to still see you around, even though you will be using UT inside of Halo. Never forget your roots!