I've just began working on my map idea for the Sacvenger Gametype, but the main building is supposed to be round by being made up of curved walls,so I was wondering if there are any decent small pieces that are round so I can use them to make a floor? I've tried an artefact base on Ravine and a Dish piece but both were way too big.
might have to just improvise and use whatever pieces you want for flooring, whatever is sticking out past the circular walls cover up with something like rocks?
Simple answer without trolling not really. Impact has the most rounded pieces, but none really fit your description
ahh yeah, there is that round cover glass piece in the structures/impact section. it was made to cover that big round hole in the building on Impact. not sure if it's smaller than the other two you tried though (artifact base and dish).
curved walls put together are quite large as a round structure, then you also have the impact silo 1 which is the smallest. Also, on Erosion you have many cylinders to choose from. would any of those work?