So far we have: Ghost Merging - "Removing Invisible Barrier's" Push Merging - "Use with Doors" Interlocking - "Spawn Merging" Merging has made forge easier for many forge lovers out there such as myself and i like these forge glitches and im wondering if there is anything new out there ? if so please post them here i would like to see the mother load of forge tricks and glitches. Do you aggree with me that "Ghost merging" makes hard work "Door merging" seem like sh*t ? Why does bungie have to build a stupid map that has no color or detail to it such as "sandbox" ? if "sand box" had the texture and details of "foundry" along side with colors i would forge on it all day. Do you aggree that "sand box" has horrible texture and is plain boring to look at ? but is still a good place to forge ?
Why yes I do agree that sandbox has a boring texture and not very apealing to the eye, and I get your merging question, yes those are the only ways
Although Sandbox does have a boring texture, you can use it to your advantage or completely enclose your map. The textures on the pieces aren't exactly that bad for most of them. Hey, it's all we got now. Bungie is done with Halo 3 for now. And really, have you ever even heard of a warehouse a mile across and a mile tall?
There's one in my backyard. Anyway, On Topic, I haven't heard of any new glitches other than those. They satisfy my needs, so I'm not going to bother searching for more.
nope those are all the techniques for now. and on the sandbox issue, i think sandbox is great for forging. do i wish it had more movable objects like foundry, yes but it makes up with all the great things about sandbox.
Push merging is obsolete now. I personally suggest learning to merge the original way, which alows for precise angles with experience. Supports are placed around the shape you want the block merged, set to spawn at start and the block is moved into place. Despite seeming archaic it allows specific merges such as a double block merged in the exact shape of a ramp. Sandbox has the minimal fractals because it is DLC and giant. This is actually very useful for building in the dunes, the shape of which I find quite appealing for certain gameplay.
I forgot one! Teardrop merging! it is when you get an object into a position then get it into another position without presing RT and save & quit then when you load back up the object will be in the same position judging from where the teardrop or respawn point was on said object the last time you pressed RT. it is the way people barely interlock stuff on racetracks, as you wouldnt spawn it inside that far or push it that little.