Here is the preview for my first map Antique. It is a re-imagination of Halo 3's Assembly. They share many similarites like the past paced gameplay, open outdoors, but despite the big sightlines, it features mostly CQC. The main difference between Antique and Assembly is the fact that Antique is not symmetrical. This is best described in pictures. This is the overview. You can't see me from here, but I'm T-bagging them underneath the center building. Here is the Red spawn+ Focus Rifle spawn. The rock garden both blocks sightlines, and provides a quick way to the upper level. This is the bunker side. You may remember it from the original Assembly. Here is the all famous rocket tower. It holds the key to your success. This building replaces Assembly's blue base. It is a grav lift room it spawns the blue team. Finally, here is the bottom middle. This holds the Grav Hammer and also a pretty showcase of a propane tank. The Grav Hammer is not overpowering in any way on this map. And this is the hidden cone. See if you can find it. Anyways. This map has great flow and great spawning. There are no camping problems and it is ready to be posted. Play a few Customs on it you want. Any way, there is one problem. People want to be able to throw grenades up the Rocket Tower, but there is a one way shield in the way. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to make that lift work without the shield door. If you could solve this problem for me, it would be great. Also, if someone would be kind enough to help me put a gameplay video and the final thread together, that would be great. So here's a download link of the map in tis current condition. If you would like to give it a go, and then tell me what you think, that would be great. Thx. You'll need the Halo 3 Team Slayer of Free for All gametype to complete most of the jumps and to have more fun. Map: : Halo Reach : File Details Gametype: : Halo Reach : File Details
Am I the only one who sees a problem with red initial spawns being directly on top of the green initial spawns, and the orange/yellow (I can't tell) initial spawns being mixed with blue? I know you say it's close quarters, but that's a little too close. In regards to the spawn points, It's better if you spread those around the map instead of putting them in clusters because when they're spread around there are really more choices for where to spawn players.
Oh, sorry for the confusion. The red and blue spawns by the green and orange are the infection spawns. The green and orange are multi team, the red and blue are infection. In Slayer, Red and blue spawn on the sides on the picture. Trust me man, we've played alot of customs on here, and the spawning works great.