Sandbox Anthrophy (MLG Amplified/Ignite Successor)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by FORGING2PERFEKTION, Nov 20, 2009.

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    (MLG Amplified/Ignite Successor)

    Created by ChAoZziTy aka Fe4R iTz ChAoZz from FORGING2PERFEKTION


    This is ChAoZziTy's second MLG Map created in the Crypt on Sandbox.Its a completely Merged, Geo-Merged and interlocked Map, because of this fact the forging for this map took over 4 Months to try to perfect my Map. I used the main design of Fritzsters "Ignite" Map and added my one style to the Map. This Mao got the exactly the same size as the size on Foundry.


    I just saw the pictures of Fritzsters and Deathstars Version on Foundry at and thought that Foundry is a little bit too old style, so i made it on Sandbox. I hope you all enjoy my work.


    You can also download this map in “F2P Gametypes” File share.

    Main Gametypes:

    - MLG Team Slayer
    - MLG CTF 5 Flag

    Other Gametypes:

    - MLG King
    - MLG Ball
    - MLG Bomb
    - Territories
    - FFA

    - This Map works best with all MLG Gametypes, but it can also be played with all other Gametypes as well

    - Symmetrical Team balanced MLG Map
    - 2-8 Players

    Weapon and Spawn Layout:

    [​IMG]- 8 BRs/ Respawn 10 Sec./2 Clips
    - 2 Carbines/Respawn 90 Sec./ 2 Clips
    [​IMG] - 1 Plasma Pistol/Respawn 90 Sec./ N/A
    [​IMG] - 1 Mauler/ Respawn 120 Sec./ N/A
    [​IMG] - 6 Plasma Nades/Respawn 60 Sec./N/A

    - Overall 42 Spawns
    - 14 Spawns in each Base
    - 6 Spawns on Purple Side and 8 Spawns on Gold Side


    - Biggest thanks to TeenTitan Raven, without him the Map would never get finished.
    - Main design of Ignite on Foundry: Fritzster and DeathstarsOG

    - Also thanks to all testers, who spend over 2 weeks running test rounds on my Map.

    - Testers: RapKillaHARDISS, De Behr, ER4S0R, ProStreety...(See all other Testers at the end of the Video.)

    Here are some Screenshot and also a little Video of the Map.

    YouTube- Halo 3 MLG Map - Anthrophy


    Top Mid Overview:
    Red Base Overview:
    Red Base Bottom:
    Red Side:
    Gold Overview:
    Gold Top:(Plasma Pistol Spawn)
    Gold Bottom:
    Purple Overview:
    Purple Bottom:(Mauler Spawn)
    Blue Base Overview:
    Blue Base:

    #1 FORGING2PERFEKTION, Nov 20, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2009
  2. Yevah

    Yevah Ancient
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    ok yeah it does look like a pretty well forged map and i can see the how they look the same, but whats the point of making it if its done be forged by fritszer? And btw I have a question for you how did the map take 4 months of forging if ignite hasn't even been out for 2?

    Senior Member

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    Fritzster Released some screenshots like a year ago so i just started Forging.
    Thanks for your Positiv critic =)
  4. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    really a great map, i downloaded the "ignite" one a while back and it totally threw me off guard. no offense to you, forging2perfektion, but i dont think its really possible to make a better version of this than the original. that being said this is a good remake in and of itself. the only part its missing is the zig-zag style fence box layout on gold side.
  5. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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  6. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Stop the flaming, and make no comments about Fritzster and not giving him permission. My opinion is that the maker of the map disrespected Fritzster and Deathstar by not obeying them, but nonetheless, this map is an 'original' creation and thusly will stay open.
  7. LD

    LD Ancient
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    You guys seem to be pretty good in stealing maps, first amp now ignite ... try to make your own, good maps (ive seen most of your maps, so dont tell me you made any good ones). Just like the amp "remake" you made, i still dont get the point of remaking an already forged map on sandbox. dont you think the original creators of amp/ignite would have forged the map on sandbox if they thought it would be better to forge it there?
    For me, you are just a thief who runned out of ideas so you have to "remake" genious maps. This map isnt even close to Ignite, 1/5

    Edit: @ Orangeremi
    An "original" creation? No? Its just Ignite, but worse. If i would forge Onslaught in the Crypt and change one ramp and maybe a block in the base, it would just be a worse ONslaught, but it would still be onslaught.

    [​IMG] This is the mona lisa abd this ... [​IMG] is the mona lisa after i r**** her in photoshop for about 30 seconds.
    As you can see, its still the same, it just looks a little bit different (worse). With this map, its basically the same
    #7 LD, Nov 21, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2009
  8. Fritzster

    Fritzster Silly Goose
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    [FONT=&quot]I understand that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but this guys an idiot, especially in an act against our will. The map file on BNet should be enough proof.[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]It is nice, but only when respect is shown towards the original product and creators.[/FONT]
    That isn't happening here.

    Thus should have been locked based on my replying; he did not get the go ahead from us.

    Moderators contact me via AIM if there are problems or misunderstandings.
  9. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Locked until further notice.
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