Ant-Hill generic back story: just as fast as the covenant forces can continue to improve upon their structural capabilities, the UNSC move in forcing the covenant into retreat, the site now serves as a spartan training facility, code name 'Ant-Hill' Alright guys and gals, I'm new to halo 4 forge and forge-hub, although i am no stranger in the realm of forging, I was a dedicated forger in halo 3 that lost interest in halo: reach due to the fact that i figured anything i made on that game would get minimal use. anyways, here we are with my first map of any real significance on H4 My hopes are to bring you, here, at forge-hub a change of pace, something original that you don't see every day so, lets get to it Ant-Hill is a dome shaped map that is playable from the top and interior, the map is on forge island on the mid-sized plateau. It takes up the majority of this canvas and seems very vast BUT, there is a pleasantly short commute time from place to place anywhere in the map. the outside (top and surrounding) of the dome is very clean, with limited obstruction, not to be confused with lack of cover! the geometry of the map (spherical) provides sufficient cover itself, only allowing for short sight-lines. there are a ghost and hog at either side of the map that are ideal for this area of play, each side is also equipped with a laser at spawn to equalize the vehicles, however in the case that the laser operator can't kill the vehicles you have a great escape within the infastructure of the dome. in this space it is more hand to hand close range combat. this area is ideal for the ground-pounders like myself. keep in mind that this map is completely symmetrical so anything pictured on the blue side is mirrored in red, and anything shown in purple is mirrored in green and vise-versa let's take a look shall we? I need more play time, so anyone willing to help out with that feel free to contact me GT: Hal0 Hulk (with a zero and a space) A Download would be much appreciated, constructive and idiotic criticisms are all welcomed with open arms, always looking to improve upon the map and my overall forge knowledge, so go ahead and lay it on me, ill like it.
This is a stunning looking map that deals with the lack of elevation on Forge Island in a unique way. Original is certainly an apt descriptor. My one concern off the bat is that the Warthogs will be underutilized because of the abundance of anti-vehicle weapons (on top of plasma pistols/grenades). But that's what testing is for. I'll queue this up for download. Maybe help test it in the future.
Reminds me of Select from halo Reach matchmaking. That was a terrible map as far as gameplay goes but it looked good, like this does, but im sure this will play alot better. From the pictures tho it seems like top mid as wayyyyy too open? Obviously i'd have to get a game on it but it seems like the spot that everybody will avoid because youl cop 4 players fire and die in a millisecond. That birds eye view looks epic though, would love to get a game on it.
Tony thanks for the feedback, I'm gonna let you into my thought process, tell me what you think. While playing matchmaking i have come to the realization that when you die with a power-weapon it is highly unlikely that you can get back to it before it disappears so if you die with the laser before killing the enemy vehicles you are out of luck until next laser spawn. Does need testing, we'll see.
Arcasius thats how I expected most to feel, the top is very clean not to be confused with lack of cover, the map's geometry provides cover by forcing short sight-lines. If you get in one of the 3 high spots on the map you can see quite a bit of the map, consequently everyone can see you too. Give it a download and see if you still feel the same way? Regardless, thanks for sharing your thoughts!