Hello all, this is Cyanide (aka Di57Ur8eD 0Ne). I guess I'm the new guy now huh? Well, y'all probably want to know more about me so I'll just tell you a little bit of my history with other clans. I'm not gonna include nothing too personal. Well, I've been through a lot of clans. I wasn't able to play but only 6 months of Halo 3 on LIVE before the release of Reach, so I haven't had as much experience as some people at online play. At first I made my own group, which failed miserably. I wasn't as experienced or skilled as I am now. I've always felt out of place when I'm not in a group so I had to keep searching for one. I played another 2-3 months of Halo 3 until I decided to join a military-themed professional group (and it is most likely the strictest clan in existence). I stayed in it for only 2 months, but I learned a lot from the experience. I laid low for a while after I left the group. I had more important things in my personal life to even give a [CENSORED] about the Xbox. Although I did do a lot of 'clan hopping' through small clans that I thought I'd be able to help out. But then after about a month, I decided to join another military themed group. It wasn't nearly as strict, but it still had the same concept. Again, because of personal matters I left the group within only 2 months of joining. After that group, I thought it would be a good idea to head over to a different style. I decided to join a fun-oriented group. I was hardly in the group very long until I knew that it wasn't the right place for me. And with the personal problems it seemed all the stress pinned down my gameplay so I looked to Reach's new forge system. I thought it would be a good idea to try to create my own group, branching off of ForgeWorld, but of course that didn't work out so now I've come here. I'm hoping this may be the right place for me. I'm looking forward to being here as long as I can but it seems things always pop up, causing me to leave the group. (And in case you're wondering, I always write a lot)
Cyanide, (a.k.a Sir Write-A-Lot?) you are most certainly welcome here. Forging is what this site purports to be for and it there certainly is a lot of that! But we try to have fun and you can join in on any customs if any are running. Alot of testing goes on as well, so look around and get involved! Cya round.