if you think you can come in this forum and unjustifiably criticize someone's artwork, you are SO ****ing wrong. if you think you're so great at drawing, lets see something better from you. /rant
Well Delirium, if I may ask what is it you do not find proper about this drawing, I myself know what's wrong, so please let me know, besides I think what you did was spam...lol... And thank you Hari, but there's no need it's fine I just want a further Explanation as to why he thinks what he thinks, isn't that was CnC is about? Also Camel Carcass, yeah he did that to me too... lol... although I'm a proud Bi-sexual now so...... yeah!
Friend, life is effortless. I doubt that you strained your cortex conceiving that brainchild, and the subsequent infraction you received drew little sweat. So buck up lad, because losing your dignity is no exception. Grave Robber, I'm going to have to side with Camel Carcass on this one. It appears that you have robbed me of my heterosexuality. Excellent work my friend.
I think he's one of the few Exceptions to any straight guy, but yea he's beautiful...lol. Ps. this is the last reply for me, I will return to lurking until I decide to post another Drawing...