I like your style. It's very original; refreshing. The sword could stand to have a weapon holder, though. Just as a rule of thumb. Disagree with her as I may on occasion, JessicaJones is right. A map overview would be nice. Nice job with the elevation, too. It's a welcome change from endless flat expanses. Map looks a bit smallish. Next time, put more toward the flow and gameplay of the map, and less toward the aesthetics. But that isn't to say that this is not one good looking map.
Looks pretty nice man. You have good aesthetics and the gameplay kinda seems balanced but I suggest removing either the mauler or the sword. Is this map escapable? Just profile visitor msg. me. Anyway nice map, maybe a 4.5/5 for now, good job.
great map, it must have been a ***** to make the cave is spectacular. i tink you should put more and/or better weapons. on a side note wat the fack is with all the "im 13 and i almost have a boyfriend" ****, did some idiot say that? (pm me for the answer to the 13 thing)