Name: ANODYNE V2 Created By: BatteryIncluded Recommended Gametypes: Ctf, Slayer Download Anodyne V2 V2 of the original Anodyne,this being my second map. Changes include: Weapons Easier to get up to the bases fixed spawning more competitive These Changes really improve the playability of the map. Pictures: Middle overview Cave overview red base blue base needler spawn Action Pics: Blue team Red team Special Thanks to: markgettas ssk34 tyler2545 Please download Anodyne V2 CtF Gametype Anodyne CtF
hey man!(tee hee) Hey am I in any of these pictures? but any way about the map trust me when i say this guys it may look small but if you use the game type it is REALLY fun! i lie this map and i hope it does well. Edit: Battery, when i said post some more maps i ment new ones, but this is just as good! i cant wait to see your next project!
a nicely made map forge-wise, there doesn't seem to be any crooked walls or irregular bridges, although there could have been some extra geomerging, as a second map this is still very nice. one problem i have is that with only one pathway to each base, flag camping is inevitable.
Hey this seems like a beautiful map that has some nice aesthetic features. However, a nice Microsoft paint layout map would be nice though. I can tell that theres a center area with the bump in the middle, but I can't determine the entire layout. You get very high marks from me in the look of the map and the totally different feel that you have presented. Gameplay looks good from the pictures and I wil definently give you a more detailed review this weekend. Love, Zachary9990
I have no idea why this map is rated 1 star, that's ridiculous, this map looks amazing!! While I have no idea whether the gameplay is alright or downright ****, the aesthetics themselves at least earn you 3 stars..... Anyway, I would love to DL, but I have to god damned RRoD (for the 3rd time, I might add). I'll DL if I remember when I get my Xbox back.
Hey man i saw the first one of this map, it looked pretty good, its good that you got rid of the mauler and replaced with a needler, cause a mauler AND sword were a bit much, if making a v3 try to make another path to and from each base, like a secret pathway? it looks a bit hard to get to and from each base successfully. Well done looks good overall 4.3/4.8 cant dl because am banned from XBox until the end of term, which also means i wont be able to play cause thats when my live runs out! Soz to deathreaper if your seeing this, any way well done!
This looks like an amazing map with some neat aesthetics added. In your version one, I liked it, but the problem was that it was escapable. But now, its even better because you put a roof making it impossible to be escaped from. Nice interlocked bridges there. *Queued*. Good job.
This map looks the part and I'm also sure it plays it too. You put time and effort into the design and construction of this map, and it looks like it plays quite well and very fast-paced. A layout would be nice by great job! 4.5/5 due to this bridges not being geomerged, but that only really affects it's looks.
this map looks realy cool. ithere is some excelent forging and very well geomerged spots. the gameplay seems realy fun and not repetitive. the map does look a bit small so i cant see a lot of people playin on this. nice job
the map itself is a very neat design. the way you used the bridges as little hills intrigued me when you posted version 1. I also love the needler floating downwards, as i havent seen that done before. It looks quite nice like that. The gameplay is quite speedy and hectic, which ive been personally growing away from, but it isnt a bad map. My only preference is merely an opinion. i hate upside swords on the ceilings. i recommend merging the weapon holder into the ground, and putting the sword on it so it just kinda floats [like halo 2 days]. thats merely a suggestion, and it makes no real difference.
as I made this map I had hectic in mind, as for the sword you have to jump so it makes it even more off the beaten path V3?!?!
I like the closed in urban feel of this map, Ill give it a DL and cetcha later also, i never noticed how freakin pointy the poles of the flags are