While technically yes, this is a silly announcement that no one on Forge Hub would care about, that's not why I'm posting this. After 10 seconds it just loops, so no need to keep watching. YouTube - Twitter Supported! I want your input on just the style of background. How was it? The video itself. I made it in After Effects in an hour or so. I think a little of it was really fast, but I put it that way intentionally for that car salesman feel. Can I get some comments please? Oh, and also would you please tell me if there's an easier way to clean up that loop. I used audacity to edit the song (Keep Feeling) Fascination, but I could only do so well.
That 9 second opening with a 51 second loop took an hour?? I kid. I had no idea it took that long to make a video like that... seeing as I've never used After Effects... or anything beyond iMovie lol My complaints? Every so often you'll see the bottom left corner show white.. the background isn't THAT interesting (not that it's the main focus or anything), and the music is kind of irritating (at least IMO). That's all
Curses. Missed that white spot. Should have moved my blurbs further out. Oh well, 3-d shaking has it's difficulties. Plus I'm quite new to After Effects. Most professionals probably could have done that in 10 minutes or so. And as for the music, I only put it in cause I liked it. I figured most people wouldn't, and it half fit the beat. So to each his own on that part. Thanks for the input Erico.