
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by broccollipie, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    A small, asymmetrical 2v2 map that I've been slowly building over the last couple of months. It still needs a lot of adjustments, and I still haven't gotten the weapons right. I hope to get it a bit of attention before I release it. It has a forerunner feel to it, and has both indoor areas, and outdoor walkways, the latter being mostly inspired by Epitaph.

    Download Link

    The majority of blue side.

    The open high ground.

    Part of red side.

    The rest of red side.
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks really grey, try sprinkling some aesthetic sauce on it. But yeah no yeah it looks pretty good. $5000 contest?
    #2 Spicy Forges, Aug 2, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2011
  3. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    Can't enter it for the $5000 contest. I'm a judge.
    I feel that the grays are balanced by the view of Forge World, the grass/rock patch, and the lights. Even the weapon stands are a little colorful. But I'll play around and see what looks good.
    #3 broccollipie, Aug 2, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2011
  4. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    You could always use inclines for walls, they look nice and are a heck of a lot cheaper than braces. That is just my on personal opinion though, as for the map it looks great. If you need any fresh testers I would be more than willing.
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Try angling a strut so only the top angled part with the colored bars shows through the wall. A few of those could help people easily identify parts of the map with double bars, horizontal bars, diagonal bars. If budget is not a concern, stick with the brace walls for the clean look. For those that aren't the right width I find it's best to center the one in the small gap and move it back enough so the extra white bars on the edges aren't visible.
    Anyways I see you caught the 2 by 4 floor syndrome. The map looks nice and clean although a bit gray which can easily be fixed.
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I agree with the above - making some of the floors or walls out of something other than 2x4 blocks and brace larges would help change up the look, de-grey-ify things if you will. It will also help with player orientation. You can't overstate how easy it is for a player to get disoriented on a map the first, second and third time playing it when half the spawns have them facing the same basic set of objects in slightly differing configurations. Having openings to show Forge World will definitely help, but I'd love to see you widen the object pallette.

    Screenshot #1 looks cool. I like that kind of build, with subtle changes in elevation in different places. Makes for good gameplay.
  7. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If you want to add some color I suggest using the platform Y objects. The sides are really colourful.
  8. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    @moth - I'll invite you if I'm ever testing.

    @pyro - Thanks for the ideas, and lol at 2x4 floor syndrome.

    @dusty - Also thanks for the ideas, and points on the object set.

    @overdoz1z - Ah, the platform Ys.... those were the days. I'll see how they look.
  9. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this worked for Shadow when he was forging Attainment. I think it's working nicely here as well.
  10. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    One of my favorite pieces is the blue-striped side of the 4x4 tall. Maybe try those out as well.

    This map has some spawning issues that I hope can be fixed, but other than that I'd say it's pretty close to done besides some aesthetic touches that people are suggesting you throw in, but aren't necessarily necessary :p
  11. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I've got to test this with you a number of times now with many different gametypes, including that btb test (was it 16 people?). The spawning on the map can be a little rough at times, but having not looked at it in forge, I can't know why that is, but I think it is due to A. spawn placement, and B. over complicated spawn system. I think the last tests I had on here the power weapons were GL, and concussion and they seemed to fit the map nicely as they didn't become over powered, but were good for dinging up the enemy in a few times, I hope you keep those, or a similar weapon set. Structurally the map is quiet simple, but there is nothing wrong with that, my only complaint layout wise is what's with the random rocks/ tin cup? It just seems out of the place and I've gotten caught up on the rock a few times now. Overall it's been a pretty fun map to play 2v2, making for some enjoyable slayer, and even oddball games.
  12. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    The grass and rocks, I've been told, are a nice aesthetic touch, but everyone has their opinion. I think I over-complicated the spawn system, and it'd be cool if you could join me in forge and help me out a bit with that. I've kept the concussion rifle and grenade launcher, but moved the grenade launcher slightly so both teams have a chance at getting it. The tac jump now has a plasma pistol on it, and is much easier to clear, though people complain about it, just because they can't make it. I rearranged the floor to fix z-fighting, and some coordinate problems I had early on. Once I've made some modifications based on feedback I get from the TG (hopefully), It'll probably ready to post.
  13. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    That tac jump definitely needs to go on symmetric game-types, though I'm sure it's not a problem whatsoever on Slayer. I'm not sure about putting a plasma pistol there..seems a little odd and out of place.
  14. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok ok ok okAY what if you either move the whole map somewhere else or build it so that the back wall of the map is rock. I reckon it would spice it up quite a bit and reduce lag and budget even more so you can add other stuff. Dunno, just a thought.
  15. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    How about no.
    It just wouldn't feel the same, and only a third of the objects use coordinates.
  16. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    Played a few games on this and it was pretty fun. There were some interesting LOS's but I have to say there were some that were too long. Have you considered breaking it up with some crates or other aesthetic cover pieces? I figure you've designed it in such a way that you can only be covered from certain directions while always being exposed to others, but it might completely change the way it plays if you just add some more cover in the middle (be it top or bottom mid) of the two large rooms. Also, have you tried other power weapons on the map? I feel like it was a bit standard in that department. Anywho, still a fun and well forged map, just my small gripes.
  17. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wait wait wait. Broccolli actually made a map??? And a competitive one to boot?? What is the world coming too?

    haha But SERIOUSLY. I was actually pleasantly surprised with this map. I enjoyed the layout. I liked the unique aesthetics. The gameplay was a bit hectic with 8 people. And spawning still seemed a ..wonky.

    Overall, good job Broccophile

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